fpGUI information ================= This version of fpGUI is based on a implementation where every widget has a window handle. In other words every widget is actually an embedded window inside a top-level window (aka Form). If you wanted to look at the old design of fpGUI - the one based on a single handle per Form - then create a local branch based on the tag 'single_handle_fpgui', or the slightly newer branch called 'v0.4_fixes'. Release v0.5 and later is the new design (multi-handle implementation). It was a complete rewrite of the code. To install FPC under Debian/Ubuntu ================================== Select the fpc.deb metapackage, which depends on a number of sub-packages containing the compiler, the units and so on. The 'libc' unit provided by FPC is included in the fp-units-i386.deb package, which is however marked as "deprecated" by the Ubuntu package manager and is therefore *not* installed by default using fpc.deb. The following command will set up FPC under Ubuntu in order to be used with fpGUI: sudo apt-get install fpc fp-units-i386 How to compile fpGUI ==================== Please see the INSTALL.txt file for detailed instructions. System requirements =================== a) Fonts If the AggCanvas rendering is enabled, then make sure you have the Liberation Sans font installed under Linux and FreeBSD. Under Windows, AggCanvas will use the Arial font, already included with Windows. b) Linux To be able to compile and link fpGUI based applications you need to install the following library dependencies. The packages will pull in all the other required packages too. $ sudo apt-get install libX11-dev $ sudo apt-get install libXft-dev NOTE: On some Linux systems (eg: Ubuntu 17.04) those package names are now in all lower-case. $ sudo apt-get install libx11-dev $ sudo apt-get install libxft-dev c) FreeBSD, OpenSolaris Pretty much the same as under Linux. Also, if Liberation Sans font is not available, it can be installed as follows: $ pkg install liberation-fonts-ttf ============================================