Raylib 4.0 Template C (C17 64 bits) for Visual Studio Code & MinGW-w64
- MinGW64 : MSVCRT runtime / Win64 (download)
- Raylib 4.0 : raylib-4.0.0_win64_mingw-w64.zip (download)
- MINGW64 : Mingw64 folder - (e.g. : %MINGW64% = D:\Apps\mingw64)
- RAYLIB_4 : Raylib 4 folder - (e.g. : %RAYLIB_4% = D:\Apps\raylib4)
- Add %MINGW64%\bin to your Path variable
- ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack : (download)
- BUILD-DEBUG : build and run in debug mode
- DEBUG-build : build debug version to /build/debug/game.exe
- DEBUG-clean-dist-copy : deletes all files in the /build/debug folder and copy all the content of the folder /dist to /build/debug
- DEBUG-quick-clean : deletes .exe files in /build/debug and .o files in /src
- RELEASE-build : build release version to /build/release/game.exe
- RELEASE-clean-dist-copy : deletes all files in the /build/release folder and copy all the content of the folder /dist to /build/release
- RELEASE-quick-clean : deletes .exe files in /build/release and .o files in /src
- MY-RC-BUILD : build Windows resources file my.rc (icon...)