StartJacinto Project

startJacinto project is used to manage the Jacinto6,Jacinto7,Sitara AM62x/AM62Ax SDK, including Ubuntu.

Using this tool can effectively improve your work efficiency , you can develop all the work in one terminal, it's my target to make this tools.

  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Simplify complex tasks.

If you have any suggestions, please share, we can work together to make this tools easier and smart. Thanks

Below are function list:

  • Manage different SDKs.
  • Ppdate images to SD card.
  • AUTO download and install SDK.
  • Manage develop resouces(tools, patches),etc.
  • Yocto environment support.
  • Ubuntu Envrionment setup.
  • etc.


Variable Name

  1. all the global variable: SJ_*
  2. all the global path : SJ_PATH_*
  3. all the internal module: SJ_PDK_* (PDK example)


  • Makefile support different model, like psdkra, psdkla. etc.
  • Scripts support.
  • Variable support for different branch, like J721S2/J784S4, etc.

Log info

You can check terminal info in .sj_log.

  • log info : .sj_log file recoding the command that you are running.


please configure the sdks first

check the .sj_config_sdks first. make sure the SDK path.

[SDK-0902-j721s2-DRA829]:~/startjacinto> cat .sj_config_sdks 
# j721e j7200 j721s2 j784s4, This setting should match with the Soc Name. remove from config. 
# below is tftp and NFS server ip. 
# Yocto Env Setting

Start Jacinto Tools

$ source ui_env_setup_*

After you run this command, you will see the below contect in your console. Please select one for your environment. Thanks.


help info

  • make help : basic info for normally used command.
  • make help_all : print all available command and info.
  • make print : print startjacinto config/tools path/soc link.
  • make print_config : print tools config.
  • make print_env : print viriable for tools use.
  • make print_variable : print viariable use for make rules.
  • make log_help : log help info for make rules.
  • make check_cmd CMD="*" : check command.
  • make check_cmd_content CMD="*" : search the cmd content.
  • make check_doc_jacinto7 CMD="*": search the jacinto7 docs
  • make check_scipts CMD="*": search the scripts


use below command to get more info:

  • make tidl_help

TODO : list the steps to import and run model.


Solution 1: SPL - Linux

Default SDK.

Solution 2: SBL - Linux (no uboot)

please notice, below command need to update sdk makefile

  1. sbl-bootimage-sd
  2. sbl-vision_apps-bootimage
  3. sbl-linux-bootimage
  4. make sbl-sd-bootimage-install

Solution3 : SBL --> SPL --> uboot --> Linux

ROM --> R5 SBL --> SPL --> uboot --> A72 ATF --> Kernel

  1. make mcusw-sbl-boot-u-boot # setting mode: deveopment, optimized is for quick boot.
  2. make mcusw-sd-sbl-boot-u-boot # setting mode.

OSPI Flash

SDK8.2 Test : TFTP boot.

For Non HS board. You can boot from DFU , using the K3 conf NFS boot.

  1. sbl-ospi-bootimage-install-tftp

  2. Flash the image : tftp --> RTOS

    setenv serverip 
    sf probe 
    tftp ${loadaddr} sbl_cust_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage
    sf update $loadaddr 0x0     $filesize
    tftp ${loadaddr} tifs.bin 
    sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
    tftp ${loadaddr} can_boot_app_mcu_rtos_mcu1_0_release_ospi.appimage
    sf update $loadaddr 0x100000  $filesize 
    tftp ${loadaddr} lateapp1
    sf update $loadaddr 0x1fc0000  $filesize 
    tftp ${loadaddr} lateapp2
    sf update $loadaddr 0x27c0000  $filesize 
    tftp ${loadaddr} atf_optee.appimage
    sf update $loadaddr 0x1c0000  $filesize 
    tftp ${loadaddr} tikernelimage_linux.appimage
    sf update $loadaddr 0x7c0000  $filesize 
    tftp ${loadaddr} tidtb_linux.appimage
    sf update $loadaddr 0x1ec0000  $filesize 
    # OSPI PYH Pattern 
    tftp ${loadaddr} nor_spi_patterns.bin 
    sf update $loadaddr 0x3fe0000  $filesize 
  3. Flash the psdkla sdk.

    # Linux 
    setenv serverip 
    sf probe
    tftp ${loadaddr} tiboot3.bin
    sf update $loadaddr 0x0 $filesize
    tftp ${loadaddr} tispl.bin
    sf update $loadaddr 0x80000 $filesize
    tftp ${loadaddr} u-boot.img
    sf update $loadaddr 0x280000 $filesize
    tftp ${loadaddr} sysfw.itb
    sf update $loadaddr 0x6C0000 $filesize
  4. HS board tftp : make hs-ospi-bootimage-install-tftp.




  1. install the key writer.

SOC Analysis: make ra-hs-check-uart-boot-log python analysis the security chip log. Thanks.

SBL build

Tested on SDK8.2. it works well. Before build, You should set the chip silicon.



Then follow the below step to generate the hs image: SBL/app/can boot app.


  1. make hs-sbl-bootimage-sd
  2. hs-sbl-vision-apps-bootimage
  3. hs-sbl-linux-bootimage
  4. hs-sd-sbl-bootimage-install-sd

Combined Image:

  1. hs-sbl-linux-combined-bootimage
  2. hs-sd-sbl-combined-bootimage


use below command to get more info:

  • make la_help : hlep info for psdkla.
  • make la_help_install : help info for psdkla install.

Install the SDK

make la_install_sdk : auto install psdkla sdk.


use below command to get more info:

  • make ra_help : hlep info for psdkla.
  • make ra_help_install : help info for psdkla install.

Install the PSDKRA

make ra_install_sdk


    ra-install-dependencies           : install sdk dependencies
    ra-ccs-setup-steps                : print the ccs setup steps
    ra-install-targetfs               : install the PSDKLA filesytem to PSDKRA
    ra-install-sdk                    : Install SDKs
    ra-install-sdk-addon              : Install the addon package. 
    ra-install-dataset                : Install the dataset

SD card setup

    ra-sd-mk-partition-method                   : print SD card partition method.
    ra-sd-mk-partition                          : make sd card parttion
    ra-sd-install-rootfs                        : install filesystem to SD card
    ra-sd-install-auto-ti-data                  : install the auto ti data
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd                 : install images to SD card
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd-debug             : install the debug version images to SD card
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd                   : install the auto ti data
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd-test-data         : --> internal using



tiovx_tutorial_exe_build # build the tiovx tutorial 
tiovx_tutorial_exe_run   # run the tutorial app



# Kernel 

# usecase

Yocto Support

local build

build yocto use below command:

  1. la-yocto-install --> install the yocto env.
  2. la-yocto-build --> yocto build.

docker yocto support.

  • Docker setup on Ubuntu
    1. run ubuntu-docker-install --> docker install
    2. run ubuntu-docker-test --> docker testing
    3. run ubuntu-install-docker-yocto --> install docker ubuntu18 image
  • start docker
    1. run ubuntu-docker-yocto-ubuntu18-j7 --> docker ubuntu18 start.
    2. run su fredy --> password (123)
    3. run cd startJacinto
    4. run make la-yocto-install
    5. run make la-yocto-build

Gateway Demo

  1. PCAN tools setup : make ubuntu-install-pcan-tools
  2. Build the demo: make gateway-build
  3. Run the demo:

Remote Environment

You can use the TDA4 EVM board to setup a remote debug envrionment. More details, please refer to below: Hardware: USBRELAY to power-on and power-off the baord. K3-Switch Tool: boot the board with different boot mode over the DFU.


I am using the USBRELAY and tested on my envrionment. Install the driver: make ubuntu-install-usbrelay


  1. power-on the board: make ubuntu-usbrelay-start
  2. power-off the board: make ubuntu-usbrelay-close

k3 switch Tool

k3 bootswitch tools introduction

  1. USB connect to Linux PC
  2. main_uart connect to Linux PC
    • j721e-evm settings => SW8 = 1000 0000 SW9 = 0010 0000 SW3 = 0101 00 1010
  3. USB replay setup: cp k3bootswitch.conf ~/HOME/.config/ (usbrelay HURTM_1=0 HURTM_2=0 && sleep 0.5 && usbrelay HURTM_1=1 HURTM_2=1 && sleep 0.1) >/dev/null 2>&1

install sudo apt-get install dfu-util boot in differenct mode

	sudo ./ --j721e-evm --bootmode mmc
	sudo ./ --j721e-evm --bootmode emmc
	sudo ./ --j721e-evm --bootmode ospi
	sudo ./ --j721e-evm --bootmode uart
    sudo ./ --j721e-evm --bootmode noboot

mount the sd/emmc

    sudo ./ --j721e-evm --mount 0 //eMMC
	sudo ./ --j721e-evm --mount 1 //SD


NFS Boot

Resource : [](](

need to install the tftp and nfs server first.

make ubuntu-install-tftp
make ubuntu-install-nfs


sdk setup scripts setup the basic environment.

# help
nfs-setup-psdkla             # reference the sdk to setup the environment. 
nfs-setup-minicom-psdkla     # open the minicom port to recevie the uart data. 
nfs-setup-uboot-img          # update host tools boot partition images for current sdk. 

SDK 0804: test works well. Thannks.


make nfs-setup-psdkra
make nfs-setup-minicom   # this command will setup the uboot env and boot PSDKRA from NFS automatically. 

# Below two command for update NFS targetfs.  

make ra-nfs-linux-fs-install # update nfs linux fs. 

0805 Version :

issue on TIDL . 


Yocto Ubuntu14

Build psdk0304 yocto

export INSTALL_DIR=/home/fredy/startjacinto/sdks1/ti-processor-sdk-linux-automotive-dra7xx-evm-03_04_00_03 
export PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/home/fredy/startjacinto/sdks1/ti-processor-sdk-linux-automotive-dra7xx-evm-03_04_00_03/gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin:$PATH
cd yocto-layers
./ dra7xx-evm


ubuntu install opencv

make ubuntu-install-opencv

Release notes

202405 Release: 30_30_00

  1. support color mode for log and make.
  2. make rules clear.
  3. make help clear.
  4. support 0902 sdk.

202401 Release: 30_20_01

  1. support sdk git management. you can use make sdk-git-help

202312 Release: 30_20_00

  1. support SDK9.1 J721S2 and J784s4.
  2. support nfs: different boot media.

202307 Release : 30_10_00

  1. suppot am6x device.
  2. support TDA4VH /VM eco etc.
  3. update useful scripts.

202209 1st release : 30_00_00

  1. Gateway Demo support.
  2. Support New UI.
  3. Support J721S2.
  4. Tested SDK8.4

202108 1st release : 20_01_00

  1. PSDKLA & PSDKRA supported.

202108 1st release : 20_00_00

  1. Yocto
    • yocto build support.
    • yocto docker env setup.
  2. env restructure.
  3. ubuntu support.

202105 1st release : 10_00_00

  • support PSDKLA 0703 and PSDKRA0703.


MIT License