План разработки : Детальное соотвествие русских имен метаданных и имени функций и их англоязычного перевода Данный документ в работе и постоянно обновляется
- Windows x86
- Windows x64
- Linux x64
- Linux x86
It should work on Mac OS, but has not been tested
- Thick client managed application
- Thin client
- Web client (partially)
The module is developed with disabled support for modality and synchronous calls. It should work in all modern and not so configurations
8.3.12 and later
The subsystem is developed and distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. The code is open, you can copy and distribute to anyone, but also with open source sharing.
- Group processing of catalogs and documents- allows you to massively change the attributes and tabular parts in selected catalogs and documents.
- Constant Editor - allows you to edit the values of constants in table mode
- Database Storage Structure- View table names and their relationships with metadata objects.
- Removal of marked objects- a copy of the standard Data processor from the SSL (Standart Subsystems Library), adapted for use outside the SSL.
- Query Console- Data processor for developing and executing queries in user mode. Fork of GPL3 License
- Jobs console- view and set parametrs of scheduled and background jobs. Fork of Author's permission
- Registration of changes for exchange- Data processor allows you to edit the registration of changes to data exchange objects at the Exchange Plan Node. Is intended for data exchange developers, data administrators and advanced users.
- Search and removal of duplicates- A fork of the standard data processor from the SSL (Standart Subsystems Library), to which several parameters for performing the replacement have been added
- Code Console- Allows you to execute code from the enterprise without creating external Data Processor. There is syntax highlighting and a minimal contextual hint
- Search for object references- an analogue of the standard data processor from the "All functions" menu.
- Object attibutes editor- allows low-level editing of attributes of reference objects. Supports document records editing. Fork of Cutted from Author's permission
- Reports console- it is based on a Data Composition System and uses most of its features. With its help, you can create and execute reports of almost any complexity without resorting to programming.
- Dynamic list- convenient viewing of lists of database tables from a single data processor
- HTTP Request Console- allows you to make HTTP requests from 1C.
- Loading/Uploading XML with filters - Transferring information between two similar databases. Fork of Author's permission
- Configuration Navigator- This data processor replases standart command "All Functions" and contains additional administrative functions. Fork of Author's permission
- File manager - Data processor for convenient work with files between the client and the server.Support file Transfer, View, delete of files. Currently contains synchronous calls. Fork of Author's permission
- Regular Expressions Constructor- allows you to build complex structured expressions based on a parametric description, test them, and as a result get the 1C program code. Currently it only works on Windows. Fork of Author's permission
- Web Services Console -data processor for reading and executing web services on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform. Analog of SoapUI. Allows you to perform a web service operation and display the result as xml or a tree. Fork of GPL3 License
- Data comparsion console- it is used to compare data obtained from different data sources: 1C 8, 1C 7.7 information databases, SQL databases, CSV/TXT/DBF/XLS/DOC/XML format files, JSON strings, manually filled tabular document. Fork of Author's permission
- Information about 1C licenses-this is GUI for 1C licensing utilities (RING). Fork of Author's permission. Должна быть установлена утилита ring и ее модули license
- Data loader from Tabular document-Data processor for load data to catalogs and tabular sections of different objects from из Tabular document. Fork of Author's permission
- JSON Editor- Allows you to edit JSON strings in a convenient form. It contains JSON syntax highlighting, tree editing, and some auto-substitutions. The editor is based on the library . It works on Windows starting from platform version 8.3.14
- HTML Editor- Fast debugging of HTML pages display in 1C. It is a screen divided into 4 parts, on the left side there are three editors-HTML, CSS and JavaScript bodies, and on the right - the result field. There is a contextual hint and code completion. The library is used for code editors It is indispensable when testing HTML output in 1C, because even from the 8.3.14 platform, the display in the browser and 1C, as well as in different operating systems, can be very different. It works on Windows since platform version 8.3.14. Publication on infostart
- Universal data exchange in XML format (with filters and direct download via HTTP service - Unloading and loading according to the exchange rules. Fork of the standard data processor from 1С и Author's permission. Added the ability to apply filters to unloaded objects, and direct uploading to the database via the http service of Universal Tools.
- Data Composition System Editor- Analogue Data Composition Schema wizard for thin client. Currently, it does not support editing layouts and nested schemas.
- Object comparison - Comparison attribute to attribute of reference objects with output to tabular document. Fork of Author's permission
- 1C Serialization Library- A set of procedures and functions for serialization/deserialization of 1C data and DCS (Data Composition System) objects into simple data structures (Structure, Map, array). Fork of MPL-2.0 License
- Connector: handy HTTP-client for 1C:Enterprise 8 platform - Python world has a very popular library working with HTTP requests - Requests (author: Kenneth Reitz). The library allows you to send HTTP requests extremely easily. Literally a single line of your code can receive or send data, not caring about making URL, encoding data etc. Connector is "Requests" for 1C world. Fork of Apache-2.0 License
- There is a possibility of convenient debugging of additional reports and data processors. More detailed at wiki
- The "Tools" submenu is added to the lists and forms of objects, which contains items (The forms must be connected to the "Attachable Commands" subsystem):
- Add to Comparison - adds selected objects to comparison for further use in the "Object Comparison" tool
- Edit Object - Allows you to open the current object in the Attributes editor
- Compare Objects - Opens the "Compare Objects" tool with selected links as comparison objects. Available only for lists.
- Find Object References - Opens the "Find Object References" tool for the current object.
- Upload objects to XML -Performs unloading of selected objects with subordinate links using the "Loading/Uploading XML" tool.
Accessible from the API via the common module UT_HTTPConnector. For a detailed description, see the library page
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("");
Available from API of data processor UT_JSONDataConversion. For a detailed description of the methods, see the library page
Сериализатор1С = Обработки.УИ_ПреобразованиеДанныхJSON.Создать()
Available from API of module UT_ClipboardClient. Description of methods in the code. Synchronous and asynchronous operation modes are supported.
Example of use:
УИ_БуферОбменаКлиент.КопироватьСтрокуВБуфер("Моя строка для копирования в буфер обмена");
Доступна программно через модуль УИ_РегулярныеВыраженияКлиентСервер. Описание методов в коде. Поддерживается синхронный и асинхронный режим работы.
Example of use:
УИ_РегулярныеВыраженияКлиентСервер.Совпадает("Hello world", "([A-Za-z]+)\s+([a-z]+)"); //Истина
It is necessary to call the function in the form of evaluating an expression УИ_._ВТ(ЗапросИЛИМенеджерВременныхТаблиц).
Example of use:
It is necessary to call the function in the form of evaluating an expression _ТЗСр(ТаблицаБазовая, ТаблицаСравнения, СписокКолонок).
Example of use:
УИ_._ТЗСр(ТаблицаБазовая, ТаблицаСравнения)
- will perform comparison across all columns of the TableBase parameter
УИ_._ТЗСр(ТаблицаБазовая, ТаблицаСравнения, "Номенклатура,Количество")
It is necessary to call the function in the form of evaluating an expression _XMLОбъект(ПутьЧтения, УпроститьЭлементы).
Example of use:
- will crawl an existing XMLReader
- will read into file structures
- will read into stream structures
УИ_._XMLОбъект("C:\1.xml", Ложь)
- will read into file structures without simplifying the resulting structures
Особенности использования отладки в портативной поставке
It is necessary to call the function УИ_._От(ВашаПеременнаяОбъектаОтладки,НастройкиСКД) in the form of evaluating an expression. Where instead ВашаПеременнаяОбъектаОтладки you need to pass a variable containing one of the objects available for debugging
If the debug launch context is a thick client, the console form opens immediately after the end of the code call.
If debugging is called in the context of a server or a thin or web client, the necessary information is saved in the Данные для отладки reference. In this case, debugging is called later from the list of the "Данные для отладки" reference book.
- Запрос- queries without temporary table managers are currently being debugged. Debug call
- Data Composition Schema- Debugging without external data sources is supported.
Debug call:
- debugging with the transferred settings will be called
- debugging with default settings for DCS will be called
УИ_._От(СхемаКомпоновкиДанных,НастройкиСКД, ВнешниеНаборыДанных)
- debugging will be called with the transferred settings and external datasets
- Reference object of the database- viewing and editing the reference of the database
Debug call
- HTTP Запрос- debugging of string and file content of requests, as well as proxy is supported
Debug call
The build dependencies are now in the file : packagedef, in the build folder to install the dependencies, you must run the command opm install
from the root of the project.
Call the script file at the root of the repository
- - for Linux
- build.bat - for Windows
Available build options:
- --platformSource - Platform installation directory for building execution
- --versionEDT - EDT version to perform conversion. To run through the RING utility. Must be specified if the system has more than one version of 1C: EDT
- --cfe - Generate assembly in Extension format
- --cf - Form the assembly as a configuration
./ ----platformSource=/opt/1cv8/x86_64/ --versionEDT=edt@2020.6.0
The project is being developed in 1C: EDT.
Leave your comments and suggestions in the issues section.
If you want to participate, you are welcome. The more ideas, the better the final solution. Before start please read easy start instructions
You can support the project with money by following the link
All collected funds will go EXCLUSIVELY for the development of the project and nowhere else
- was basic for the function of reading XML into simple data structures.
- On its basis, a mechanism of algorithms is implemented (although it has not yet been completed)
- - Basis for developing support for debugging external data processors in SSL
- - Code Editor 1С - Monaco