
Multi-line license plate recognition

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-line license plate recognition

A simple code for creating licence plate images and train e2e network based on a paper named an End-to-End Neural Network for Multi-line License Plate Recognition of ICPR2018

Author deeplearningshare
E-mail 1162450005@qq.com


  • tensorflow-gpu 1.9.0
  • python 3.6.5
  • some common packages like numpy and so on.

Quick start

  • run create_train_data.py to create plate image and corresponding labels. This repository also contains the plate generator and can generate thousands of plates.
  • then run createImage_data.py to create pp.npy file
  • reset the train data path and run train_nn.py to train your model.


I only submit the method of creating the singal line plate ,I will submit the method of creating the double line plate later

test result

singal line: train :20000 test:2000 acc:99.98%

double line: train:20000 test:2000 acc:99.95% all the test result base on Artificially generated license plate