provide an util for batch Insert/update, also an eloquent collection macro batchSave for batch action more convenient in Laravel.
composer require free3_5man/laravel-eloquent-batch
file app.php in array providers :
- make the insert data items assoc with keys, which has the same data structure with update data
- return insert ids when primary key is integer auto_increment
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and SQL Server is supported
- json/jsonb field is supported
- auto chunked when generate batch sql
- support Eloqunent Collection macro batchSave for auto batchInsert and batchUpdate
- batchSave fill items with insert id when actually insert and primary key is integer auto_increment
- batchSave return updated models when actually update
- batchSave can save inserts and updates at the same time
- batchSave can control whether to touch updated_at with the param $touchUpdatedAt
use App\Models\Player;
use Freeman\LaravelBatch\BatchUtil;
$data = [
// this is the first item, columns of this item will be used as insert columns
// if columns of any other items does not equal to this, false will be returned as result
// all the columns of each item required to be same
'name' => 'kaka',
'birthday' => '1982-04-22',
'name' => 'nesta',
'birthday' => '1976-03-19',
'name' => 'pirlo',
'birthday' => '1979-05-19',
// batchInsert use the first item columns as insert columns default;
$ids = BatchUtil::ofModel(new Player)->batchInsert($data);
// if players primay key auto_increment, insert ids array ([1, 2, 3]) will be returned, else empty array ([]) will be returned
$data[1]['is_captain'] = true;
BatchUtil::ofModel(new Player)->batchInsert($data); // return false
$data = [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'kaka',
'birthday' => '1982-04-22',
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'nesta',
'birthday' => '1976-03-19',
'id' => 3,
'name' => 'pirlo',
'birthday' => '1979-05-19',
BatchUtil::ofModel(new Player)->batchUpdate($data);
$data = [
'name' => 'kaka',
'birthday' => '1982-04-22',
'name' => 'nesta',
'birthday' => '1976-03-19',
'name' => 'pirlo',
'birthday' => '1979-05-19',
// batchSave will do batch insert here
$players = collect($data)->map(function($item) {
return new Player($item);
})->batchSave(); // each player has id
dump($players->pluck('id')->toArray()); // [1, 2, 3]
// batchSave will do batch update here, updated_at will be touched automaticly
$players->map(function($player) {
return $player->fill([
'name' => $player->name . '-' . $player->id,
dump($players->pluck('name')->toArray()); // ['kaka-1', 'nesta-2', 'pirlo-3']
$ composer test