
Priority List of items for Labs Team

Closed this issue ยท 14 comments

We are making great progress. ๐Ÿ‘

If you are currently working on lab prototypes or adding prototypes to the main repo, then that will be your highest priority.

Next highest priority should be reviewing the reviewing remaining open PRs in Curriculum Expansion repo
Then, the next highest priority should be reviewing remaining open PRs in main repo. You can track all PR's in need of review here

If you are still looking for something to do, then here is the priority list for the labs team. When you pick up an item from the list, make sure to assign yourself to the relevant issue and update the sheet so we know it is being worked on.

Priority Items already in progress

Not ready yet

[ ] Add JS chatbot lab to main with tests. Double check with the original prototype author to see if this is already being worked on. If not, update the sheet and pick this up.

  • Add weather app to main repo with tests. Double check with the original prototype author to see if this is already being worked on. If not, update the sheet and pick this up.
  • Add #500 to main repo with tests. Double check with the original prototype author to see if this is already being worked on. If not, update the sheet and pick this up.

Build the prototype for this React Lab

  • Add weather app to main repo with tests. Double check with the original prototype author to see if this is already being worked on. If not, update the sheet and pick this up.

I am greatly stuck on this, if someone could take a look I would be grateful

chore: create prototype for react props lab #547

chore: create prototype lab for practicing working with react forms #553

I am going to close this since all priority items are in final reviews