static assets for use with projects, curriculum and other places on internet
- 96karthikhebbarbangalore
- a-jalil1Ghana
- a1ip@PPA4IPA
- AdemCanCertel-zz
- afrizalyogiUniversity of Lampung
- ahmedkhaeldcairo,egypt
- AsjasSouth Africa
- asosa30Zanzibar, Tanzania
- AungChanMin293
- brydenwaynedonedDirectOneDesign
- cat-code-dev
- djswain9Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
- elisavetTriantGreece
- gargani34france
- GeovaRS@mention HomeOffice
- harshk94Agra, Uttar Pradesh , India
- JonReppDirectOneDesignDirectOneDesign
- kcmahesh354lovely professional university
- kleeeeea
- marc100sBarcelona
- MaxCodeXTCDeepCloud Inc.
- mehashe
- Miniprojectlovers
- mmxwLondon, UK
- mrsone20
- OfficialDarkComet@DarkCometDesigns
- patricpobaGermany
- raisedadead@freeCodeCamp
- rsg-iik
- sathya-1979
- sawsen-z
- SPandeyCodesBengaluru, India
- the-cc-devShreveport, Louisiana, USA
- tiagoryandevTiago Ryan Software Development
- TimKral5SwissDevs
- ztmarkChina