
Feature request: Improve error handling

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I noticed that when restconf panics due to the use of a wrong type for reflection it does not print the name of the field that caused the problem but only the type. I think it could simplify debugging to have access to that information

I will keep posting observations while I build a restconf interface.

For starters, something that was not immediate to me is that ApplyStartupConfig seems to not create [] or maps in the managed object. If a configuration is present for the map/[], I would let ApplyStartupConfig do the creation.

If the map/vector is not created, restconf only reports that there was a nil assignment to map/vector. It would probably simplify the debug process if we always printed the field under examination.

I was playing with your map example ( and if in your go struct you forget one of the fields, restconf tells you that a field is missing but it doesn't tell you where or which one. Now that I played a bit with it I will start reading the documentation seriously. I bet that will clarify many things.

Thank you for the update!

I just pushed an update but instead of changing nodeutil.Reflect I created nodeutil.Node which you should check out. Easier and more powerful to use. It does have better error handling and should give field names.
You can reopen this if you still have issues

Thank you! Just in time, I got sidetracked again but I will work again on this project this week!