Simulation Package with ARROW-NN forcefield

The simulation conda package contains the InterX ARBALEST molecular dynamics simulation software along with all the necessary database files to run ARROW-NN molecular simulations. The package supports Slurm and SGE cluster environment, as well as single or multi-GPUs local PC/VM environment. See details in the documentation and by invoking arb -h command.

System requirements

The software is distributed as a conda package for the linux x86_64 platform only. In addition to a 64-bit Linux install, the following dependencies must also be installed prior to the package installation:

  • Git LFS
  • conda (anaconda or miniconda are OK)
  • rdma-core (called librdmacm by some distros)
  • fftw3f

Download and install TensorFlow library:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/TFLIB/libtensorflow-cpu-linux-x86_64-2.7.0 &&
sudo tar xvfz libtensorflow-cpu-linux-x86_64-2.7.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/TFLIB/libtensorflow-cpu-linux-x86_64-2.7.0

As the binary compiled with the predefined path to TensorFlow libs, name of the installation folder must be exactly /usr/local/TFLIB/libtensorflow-cpu-linux-x86_64-2.7.0.

Post-processing scripts for computing DDG values require MATLAB > R2017. Otherwise, install pymbar (conda install pymbar) to get only BAR analysis for DDG values calculation.

There are two versions of the ARBALEST binary in the package:

  • Arbalest with CUDA GPU enabled, for which GPU-enabled hosts (PC/VM) are required and the NVidia proprietary drivers must be installed. Use the newest version appropriate for your GPU:

    Check proper installation of the driver by invoking nvidia-smi command.

  • Arbalest-cpu supports only CPU runs without GPU support. It can run on ordinary CPU hosts.

Scratch Space Setup

The simulation package needs a dedicated scratch space to store intermediary simulation outputs. This can be a separate partition or a folder, and must have at least 20 GB of free space. Perform the following commands to initialize the scratch space as a folder on your root partition:

sudo mkdir -p /state/partition1 && \
sudo chmod o+rwx /state/partition1

One can also setup scratch directory with a different path setting the TMPDIR environment variable. For example, this command in .bashrc file (if your default shell is bash) will set scratch directory to /tmp:

export TMPDIR=/tmp

Conda Package Install

After installing conda, create a new conda environment with Python version 3.8 (the package requires exactly this version):

conda create --name sim-env python=3.8

Activate the conda environment:

conda activate sim-env

Clone the repository in a separate folder (make sure you installed Git LFS along with git):

git clone <interx_arrow-nn_suite URL> <clone dir>

Install dependencies:

conda install --file <clone dir>/packages.yml -c conda-forge

Install the package:

conda install <clone dir>/simulation-0.59-0.tar.bz2

Run tests to check the simulation package integrity:

arb test 

To run tests on GPU:

arb test --gpu

If you have several GPUs on your PC and want to run tests on a specific GPU, use --gpuid option to manually assign it (take ID from nvidia-smi utility output). For example, to run on GPU with ID 2, execute the command:

arb test --gpu --gpuid 2

Running ARROW-NN examples

Go to sub-folder

cd $CONDA_PREFIX/opt/interx/examples/ARROW-NN

Solvation energy of monovalent ions in water

This simulation gives NN-corrected solvation free energy of monovalent Na+ and Cl- ions in water. Alchemical TI transition path is the annihilation of the molecule in the solvent box (decoupling of solute molecule in water).

Configuration Templates

The simulation folder ./INPUT/XML includes the following ARBALEST configuration file templates:

  • solvation_TEMPLATE.xml, solvation_TEMPLATE_short.xml - ARROW force field with alchemical transition and PIMD 8 beads molecular dynamics (see details in the ARBALEST manual), and NN adjustment.

The solvation template employs the following scheme of simulation for each lambda point (there are 15 points used):

  • minimization of the system's initial state
  • 10 ps equilibration NVT with Nose-Hoover thermostat
  • production PIMD 200 ps (solvation_TEMPLATE_short.xml) or 1 ns (solvation_TEMPLATE.xml) NPT with Nose-Hoover thermostat and Berendsen barostat, and using two neighboring lambdas window for BAR algorithm.

Periodic boundary condition uses cubic box with 32 Angstroms linear size.

ARROW-NN Parameters

ARROW FF parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF/933_ions/output:

  • QMPFFANGLE.PAR – angle bending parameters;
  • QMPFFATOM.PAR – atom-type atomic non-bonded parameters;
  • QMPFFBNDK.PAR – default valence bond stretching parameters (depends only on pair of chemical elements);
  • QMPFFBOND.PAR - atom-types specific valence bond stretching parameters;
  • QMPFFCHSH.PAR – chemical charge shift parameters;
  • QMPFFCT.PAR - pairwise non-bonded corrections;
  • QMPFFDEF.PAR - valence bond stretching environment definition;
  • QMPFFDFSB.PAR - stretch-bending parameters;
  • QMPFFOOP.PAR – 1,4-out-of-plane force parameters;
  • QMPFFPROP.PAR – atom-type structural properties (atomic number, mass, preferred coordination, aromaticity etc.);
  • QMPFFSTBN.PAR – 1,3-out-of-plane force parameters;
  • QMPFFTORSNB.PAR – torsion parameters.

NN adjustment parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF folder:

  • FFNNConfigFloat_NA_pimd_water.xml - XML file with description of for Na+ in water;
  • FFNNConfigFloat_CL_pimd_water.xml - XML file with description of for Cl- in water.

Both files also contain NN corrections for water in water.


On a cluster, all lambda points are started at once. On a single PC/VM, lambda points are started sequentially (lambda point 0, lambda point 1, etc.).

  1. Go to ions folder.

  2. To make a short CPU run for ions solvation in water box, execute the script:


    Short runs produce 50 ps trajectory.

    Use to run on GPU. By default, it uses the least loaded GPU. If you have several GPUs on your PC and want to run on a specific GPU, add --gpuid <ID> option to the script to manually assign it (ID taken from "nvidia-smi" output).

  3. To start production run (1 ns trajectory) on CPU, execute script ./ Use to run on GPU.

In production run each lambda point takes at least 4 days on 2080 TI GPU, or more, depending on computational power.

Processing Results

Once complete, the results will be available in the ./OUTPUT directory of ions folder.

To get solvation dG value from TI and BAR analysis after simulation completion, execute command in ions folder:


First 10 ps of production MD is skipped from analysis by default (-bt 10 option).

Results will be in ./dG_solv_ions.txt file.

For long trajectory analysis, run ./ Results will be available in ./dG_solv_ions_longtrr.txt file.

Solvation energy of water in water

This simulation gives free energy of water solvation in water. Alchemical TI transition path is the annihilation of the molecule in the solvent box (decoupling of solute molecule in water). Also water Hvap (heat of vaporization) is calculated separately.

ARBALEST Configuration Templates

The simulation folder ./INPUT/XML includes the following Arbalest configuration file templates:

  • solvation_TEMPLATE.xml, solvation_TEMPLATE_short.xml - ARROW force field with alchemical transition and PIMD 8 beads molecular dynamics (see details in the Arbalest manual), and NN adjustment.

The solvation template employs the following scheme of simulation for each lambda point (there are 15 points used):

  • minimization of the system's initial state
  • 10 ps equilibration NVT with Nose-Hoover thermostat
  • production PIMD 50 ps (solvation_TEMPLATE_short.xml) or 1 ns (solvation_TEMPLATE.xml) NPT with Nose-Hoover thermostat and Berendsen barostat, and using two neighboring lambdas window for BAR algorithm.

Periodic boundary condition uses cubic box with 32 Angstroms linear size.

ARROW-NN Parameters

ARROW FF parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF/933_ions/output. Files have been described in the section with ions simulation.

NN adjustment parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF folder:

  • FFNNConfigFloat_NA_pimd_water.xml - XML file with description of NN corrections for water in water.


On a cluster, all lambda points are started at once. On a single PC/VM, lambda points are started sequentially (lambda point 0, lambda point 1, etc.).

  1. Go to water folder.

  2. To make a short CPU run for water solvation in water box, execute the script:


    Short runs produce 50 ps trajectory.

    Use to run on GPU. By default, it uses the least loaded GPU. If you have several GPUs on your PC and want to run on a specific GPU, add --gpuid <ID> option to the script to manually assign it (ID taken from "nvidia-smi" output).

  3. To start production run (1 ns trajectory) on CPU, execute script ./ Use to run on GPU.

In production run each lambda point takes at least 3 days on 2080 TI GPU, or more, depending on computational power.

Processing Results

Once complete, the results will be available in the ./OUTPUT directory of water folder.

To get solvation dG value from TI and BAR analysis after simulation completion, execute command in water folder:


First 10 ps of production MD is skipped from analysis by default (-bt 10 option).

Results will be available in ./dG_solv_water.txt file.

For long trajectory analysis, run ./ Results will be available in ./dG_solv_water_longtrr.txt file.

Water heat of vaporization

Water Hvap (heat of vaporization) is calculated in this computational experiment.

ARBALEST Configuration Templates

The simulation folder ./INPUT/XML includes the following Arbalest configuration file templates:

  • gas.xml - ARROW force field with 1 ns classical MD of water in vacuum (gas phase for Hvap calculation).
  • gas_PIMD.xml - ARROW force field with 1 ns PIMD 8 beads of water in vacuum (gas phase for Hvap calculation)
  • water_MD.xml - ARROW force field with 200 ps classical MD and NN adjustment (for Hvap).
  • water_PIMD8.xml - ARROW force field with 200 ps PIMD 8 beads molecular dynamics and NN adjustment (for Hvap).

Periodic boundary condition uses cubic box with 32 Angstroms linear size.

ARROW-NN Parameters

ARROW FF parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF/933_ions/output. Files have been described in the section with ions simulation.

NN adjustment parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF folder:

  • FFNNConfigFloat_NA_pimd_water.xml - XML file with description of NN corrections for water in water.


  1. Go to water folder.

  2. Run classical MD on CPU:

    Execute ./ Both gas (5 ns) and liquid phase (200 ps) simulation start.

    To run on GPU, execute ./

  3. Run PIMD on CPU:

    Execute ./ Both gas (5 ns) and liquid phase (200 ps) simulation start.

    To run on GPU, execute ./run_PIMD_gpu.

Processing results

Get Hvap energy from MD and PIMD trajectory by executing ./ and ./ respectively.

Hvap = U_pot(water)/N(water mols in the box) - U_pot(gas) + RT

Correction for protein-ligand interactions in CDK2 inhibitor mutation

This TI simulation gives NN-corrected free energy of mutation 1h1q -> 1oiy ligands in CDK2 protein. As previous analysis showed [1], there are some problematic interactions in ARROW2 which have to be corrected to get good agreement with experimental ddG value.

ARBALEST Configuration Templates

The simulation folder ./INPUT/XML includes the following Arbalest configuration file templates:

  • Protein_TEMPLATEX_HREX-MPI.xml - ARROW force field with alchemical transition, lambda replicas exchange, and reservoir molecular dynamics with NN adjustment.

The template employs the following scheme of simulation:

  • minimization of the system's initial state
  • 100 ps equilibration NVT with Nose-Hoover thermostat
  • production HREX run with 800 cycles limited by 120 sec runtime each to get better synchronization between replicas.
  • each cycle ends with replica exchanges with randomly selected reservoir state

Periodic boundary condition uses triclinic water box with linear sizes corresponding to protein with extra 5-10 Angstroms.

More details on reservoir and HREX algorithms can be found in the RBFE.pdf tutorial. Files from examples/Benchmark_Proteins/CDK2 are used.

ARROW-NN Parameters

ARROW FF parameters are located in $CONDA_PREFIX/opt/interx/FFDB/1018/ffdb.sqlite file which is an SQLite Database. You can open it in any suitable DB browsers. Tables correspond to ARROW parameter files described above in ions section. Also FF parameters are available as plain text files in $CONDA_PREFIX/opt/interx/FFDB/1018/output folder. Files have been described in the section with ions simulation.

NN adjustment parameter files are located in ./INPUT/XML/FF folder:

  • FFNNConfigFloat.xml - XML file with description of NN corrections for CDK2 ligand interactions in the protein.

Production Runs

On a cluster, all lambda replicas are started in MPI mode distributed over cluster nodes. On the single or multi-CPU VM/PC simulation is started also in MPI mode, but cycle for each (or several, depending on number of CPU/GPU) replica is simulated sequentially (lambda point 0, lambda point 1, etc.), then exchange is performed. If you have multi-CPU(GPU) node, specify number of parallel replicas in option --hrex <number of MPI threads> in the scripts. Leave --hrex empty if you have enough available number of MPI nodes (not less than number of all lambda replicas).

For mutation ddG energy, mutations in both protein and water are simulated.

  1. Go to CDK2 folder.

  2. To run mutation in water on CPU, execute the script:


    To run on GPU, execute ./

    To run mutation in protein on CPU, execute the script:


    To run on GPU, execute ./

Production runs take about 2 days for protein mutation and half a day for water mutation on 2080 TI GPU cluster.

Processing Results

Once complete, the results will be available in the ./OUTPUT directory of CDK2 folder.

To get mutation ddG value from TI and BAR analysis after simulation completion, execute command in CDK2 folder:


First 500 ps of production MD is skipped from analysis by default (-bt 500 option).

Results will be available in ./dG_cdk2_mutation.txt file. To get ddG, subtract dG in water value from dG in protein.


  1. Nawrocki G. et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 18, p.7751, 2023.