
Lightweight script to quickly install a LEMP stack with Nginx, Varnish, PHP5 (PHP-FPM), OPCode Cache, IonCube Loader, MariaDB, Sendmail and more on Ubuntu 14.04 and perform initial server configuration for website-based server applications.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

VStacklet - A Buff LEMP Stack Kit

VStacklet - A Buff LEMP Stack Kit
VStacklet - A Buff LEMP Stack Kit

Script status

Version 3.0.2-production MIT License Ubuntu 16.04 Passing Ubuntu 15.10 Passing Ubuntu 15.04 Passing Ubuntu 14.04 Passing


I will be deprecating the support in VStacklet for Ubuntu 14.04. This is due to 16.04 LTS now becoming more common place with at least 90% of the providers on the market. Additionally, SSL creation and install in the script has been disabled until I have LetsEncrypt fully integrated.

Kit to quickly install a LEMP Stack w/ Varnish and perform basic configurations of new Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 15.10 and 16.04 servers.

Components include a recent mainline version of Nginx (1.10.0 (Xenial)) using configurations from the HTML 5 Boilerplate team (and modified/customized for use with mainline), Varnish 4.1, and MariaDB 10.1 (drop-in replacement for MySQL), PHP5 or PHP7 (users choice new), Sendmail (PHP mail function), CSF (Config Server Firewall) and more to be added soon. (see To-Do List)

Deploys a proper directory structure, optimizes Nginx and Varnish, creates a PHP page for testing and more!

Please note: that if you are going to use php 7 that phpmyadmin as well as ioncube are currently not supported. Additionally, in future versions, php7 and php5 installers will be contained in separate scripts. Lets Encrypt will be the standard SSL installer in the coming versions.

Script Features

  • Quiet installer - no more long scrolling text vomit, just see what's important; when it's presented.
  • Script writes output to /root/vstacklet.log for additional observations.
  • Color Coding for emphasis on install processes.
  • Defaults are set to (Y) - just hit enter if you accept.
  • Varnish Cache on port 80 with Nginx port 8080 SSL terminiation on 443.
  • No Apache - Full throttle!
  • Fast and Lightweight install.
  • Full Kit functionality - backup scripts included.
  • Actively maintained w/ updates added when stable.
  • HTTP/2 Nginx ready. To view if your webserver is HTTP/2 after installing the script with SSL, check @ HTTP/2 Checker
  • Everything you need to get that Nginx + Varnish server up and running!

Total script install time on a $5 Digital Ocean Droplet sits at 10:12 installing everything. No Sendmail or Cert script installs at 04:22. This time assumes you are sitting attentively with the script running. There are a limited number of interactions to be made with the script and most of the softwares installed I have automated and logged, however, I feel it is important to have some sort of interaction... at the very least so you are familiar with what is being installed along with the options to tell it to go to hell.

preview 1

Meet the Scripts

VStacklet - (Full Kit) Installs and configures LEMP stack with support for Website-based server environments. *

  • Adds repositories for the latest stable versions of MariaDB, mainline (1.10.x) versions of Nginx, and Varnish 4.x.
  • Installs and configures Nginx, Varnish and MariaDB.
  • Installs PHP-FPM for PHP5 or PHP7.
  • Enables OPCode Cache and fine-tuning [optional]
  • Installs & Enables Memcached Cache and fine-tuning [optional]
  • Installs and Enables IonCube Loader [optional]
  • Installs and Auto-Configures phpMyAdmin - MySQL & phpMyAdmin credentials are stored in /root/.my.cnf
  • MariaDB 10.1 can easily switched to 5.5+ or substituted for PostgreSQL.
  • Installs and Adjusts CSF (Config Server Firewall) - prepares ports used for VStacklet as well as informing your entered email for security alerts.
  • Installs and Enables (PHP) Sendmail
  • Supports IPv6 by default.
  • Optional self-signed SSL cert configuration. [wip]
  • Easy to configure & run backup executable vs-backup for data-protection.

VS-Backup - Installs scripts to help manage and automate server/site backups Updated: (coming soon as a single script) Added as standalone and included in full kit. *

  • Backup your files in key locations (ex: /srv/www /etc /root)
  • Backup your databases
  • Package files & databases to one archive
  • Cleanup remaining individual archives
  • Simply configure and type 'vs-backup' to backup important directories and databases - cron examples included.


Getting Started

You should read these scripts before running them so you know what they're doing. Changes may be necessary to meet your needs.

Setup should be run as root on a fresh Ubuntu installation. Stack should be run on a server without any existing LEMP or LAMP components.

If components are already installed, the core packages can be removed with:

apt-get purge -y apache2* mysql apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common \
libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libnet-daemon-perl \
libplrpc-perl libpq5 mysql-client-5.5 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.5 php5-common \
apt-get autoclean
apt-get autoremove

VStacklet FULL Kit - Installs and configures the VStacklet LEMP kit stack:

( includes backup scripts )

NOTE: Want to go 15.x? You may need to run first the following -

apt-get install -y curl

... then run our main installer ...

curl -LO https://raw.github.com/JMSDOnline/vstacklet/master/vstacklet.sh
chmod +x vstacklet.sh

For Development & Testing - use the following:

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JMSDOnline/vstacklet/development/dev-vstacklet.sh
chmod +x dev-vstacklet.sh

To compile Nginx with Pagespeed [standalone - or rebuild] (dev branch)

Please be advised. Recently Nginx 1.10.0 has been released. This script will run the needed processes for build, however, compilation may fail due to the newer version being released. Just so happens 2 days after me writing this script... 1.10.0 was released. The tricky bit is that not all providers have this getting installed in xenial packages. Providers such as Linode however, do have 1.10.0 in their xenial images. I wouldn't suggest running this script unless you know how to recompile nginx on your own... although, this will do about 75% of the grunt work for you 😉 I will have this fixed as soon as time permits.

curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JMSDOnline/vstacklet/development/nginx-pagespeed.sh
chmod +x nginx-pagespeed.sh

VStacklet VS-Backup - Installs needed files for running complete system backups:

curl -LO https://raw.github.com/JMSDOnline/vstacklet/master/vstacklet-backup-standalone.sh
chmod +x vstacklet-backup-standalone.sh

The TO-DO List

  • Enable OPCode Caching
  • Enable Memcached Caching
  • Sendmail
  • IonCube Loader (w/ option prompt)
  • Improve script structure
  • FTP Server (w/ option prompt)
  • phpMyAdmin (w/ option prompt)
  • CSF (w/ option prompt)
  • VS-Backup standalone kit (included in FULL Kit also)
  • VStacklet-lite
  • Full support for Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 15.10 and 16.04
  • Nginx + Page Speed building
  • Build SSL with LetsEncrypt

Additional Notes and honorable mentions

This is a modification of it's original branch provided by quick-lemp. The scripts within VStacklet LEMP Kit come with heavy modifications to the origianl quick-lemp script... in this regards, these two scripts are entirely separate and not similar to one another. Quick-LEMP is mentioned as it started the VStacklet Kit Project... what was to be a simply pull request to it's original owner, took on a new scope and thus simply became a new project. The changes include ushering in CSF, Varnish as well as installing and configuring Sendmail and phpMyAdmin for ease of use.

Quick-Lemp is geared towards python based application installs and using default Boilerplate templates on Nginx/stable versions of no higher than 1.8. This limits the use of new functions and features in Nginx, nothing wrong with that, but some of us are sticklers for a recent version.

My focus was and is to provide a modified version for CMS and typical website server i.e;(WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Ghost, Magento ... etc ... ) installations, Updated/Modified/Customized Boilerplate templates to be more 'Nginx mainline' friendly; i.e http/2, as well as the ongoing use of static websites (which the original still handles splendidly!)

Again, please be advised that I am building/testing this script on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) as it supports Nginx versions higher than 1.8.

As per any contributions, be it suggestions, critiques, alterations and on and on are all welcome!