
Where I put data that I manually input

The UnlicenseUnlicense


Where I put data that I manually input from https://covid-19.nczisk.sk/ Which right now is just updates of reported deaths, since the files in https://github.com/Institut-Zdravotnych-Analyz/covid19-data/tree/main/Deaths don't get updated frequently. my_updates.xlsx is what I use for typing in the data. Just the two columns "na C19" and "s C19" need to be filled in, and the rest is calculated from formulas in other columns. Unfortunately, there's no way to get data on date of death, other than when IZA updates their data set.

BTW, if you're reading this, would like to point out that the Slovak government doesn't recommend keeping distance except from strangers, despite the ECDC and WHO making this the foundation of all of their other Non Pharmaceutical Interventions. Maybe no surprise that Slovakia is creeping up the ranking in terms of cummulative death rate?