
Additional asynchronous remoting tools for haxe.

Primary LanguageHaxe

Asynchronous remoting classes for Haxe

This package consists of:

  1. Node.js remoting connections, one using NodeRelay (thanks Bruno Garcia), the other not.
  2. Macros to build async client proxy remoting classes from interfaces or the server remoting class. All server classes are excluded from the client.
  3. Flash <-> JS asynchronous remoting connection (ExternalAsyncConnection)
  4. Websocket wrappers for passing both JSON and Haxe serialized objects between a websocket client and server (Node.js)

See the demo for a working example.


To build the demos:

  1. Install node.js.

  2. Install flambe.

  3. Configure and run wafl (in the library root):

    wafl configure --debug wafl install

To run the remoting demo:

  • In one terminal window run the server:

    node deploy/remoting-server/server.js

  • In another terminal window, run the client:

    node deploy/remoting-server/client.js

In the client window, type a number and then enter. The server sends back a processed result.

Usage (building your own remoting classes)

Assume you have a remoting class on the server:

package foo;

class FooRemote
	public function getTheFoo(fooId :String, cb :String->Void) :Void

On the client, you can construct a fully typed proxy async remoting class with:

//Create the remoting Html connection
var conn = haxe.remoting.HttpAsyncConnection.urlConnect("http://localhost:8000");

//Build and instantiate the proxy class with macros.  
//The full path to the server class is given as the first argument, but it is NOT compiled into the client by default
var fooProxy = transition9.remoting.Macros.buildAndInstantiateRemoteProxyClass(foo.FooRemote, conn);

//You can use code completion here
fooProxy.getTheFoo("fooId", function (foo :String) :Void {
	trace("successfully got the foo=" + foo);

Instead of a remoting class, you can also build the proxy from an interface:

interface FooRemote
	public function getTheFoo(fooId :String, cb :String->Void) :Void;

You can also create an interface from the remoting class:

interface FooService {}

Then the client proxy class is declared with

//Or @:build(transition9.remoting.Macros.buildAsyncProxyClassFromInterface("foo.FooRemote"))
class FooProxy implements IRemotingService {}:

In the future, you will be able to build and instantiate the interface derived proxy the same as the class derived proxy above.

Running the unit tests

There are two unit tests:


Coming soon:

Websockets. Relies on the flambe lib.

To run the websocket demo:

  • In one terminal window run the server:

    node deploy/websocket-server/server.js

  • In another terminal window, run the first client:

    node deploy/websocket-server/client.js

  • Finally in a third terminal window, run the second client:

    node deploy/websocket-server/client.js