
1 day - Research which database to use first on the deployed user systems

Opened this issue · 16 comments


GanttStart: 2021-03-28
GanttDue: 2021-03-29

F15Ky commented

opaleye only supports postgresql which is what I would have picked anyway so i vote using postgresql

Idk I always used MySQL and it always worked, so I guess I'm gonna vote for MySQL?

@F15Ky which other databases did you look at before choosing PostgreSQL?

@F15Ky afaik and according to this and other resources MS SQL is better than PostgreSQL for our goals:

@F15Ky please provide justifications for why PostgreSQL is a better choice than MS SQL, Oracle DB, etc.

F15Ky commented

I would say any of those would be a good fit, but i'd choose postgres because it is open source. Here is a more detailed comparison "We conclude that SQL Server has historically been popular with organizations that rely on other Microsoft products, but PostgreSQL has risen to the top of the field not only because of the advantages of going open source but also for its robust features and active community of users. "

@F15Ky this is a very important decision: just being open source is not sufficient reason to use it as MS SQL Server for example is way superior in many ways. Please do proper research before deciding on a DB for us to use

here's some more comparision for context
PostgreSQL supports more platforms compared to the others

I vote for postgreSQL as well

@npc203 this is a very important decision: just being open source is not sufficient reason to use it as MS SQL Server for example is way superior in many ways. Please do proper research before deciding on a DB for us to use

supporting more platforms is irrelevant, we only need to deploy it on 1 platform

We can do proper research now which should only take a few hours and choose a close to optimal DB or choose one without proper research and then waste months or years on fixing the chaos we created in the future

@F15Ky @npc203 we should look at something more generic than Databases actually

for example, storing data on the blockchain or similar methods of distributed and resilient storage

at minimum, we need to keep that in mind when deciding on a DB