
Demo: https://zndkauyemgaudftg.firebaseapp.com/


  • Angular7, Angular Material 7, Google Maps Javascript API
  • Get and autocomplete places
  • Error retry and handling
  • Responsive
  • PWA
  • Tested

File Structure

  • .spec.ts are test files.
      api.interceptor   - Handle every http call
      api.service       - Api connector service
      dto.ts            - Data transfer object of api
    controls/           - Wrapper element with styles
    location-input/     - Provide autocomplete result from google maps api when input value change
    map/                - Wrapped google maps instance
    models/             - Type interfaces used in app
    app.component       - The app
    app.module.ts       - The root module
    directions-renderer - Wrapper of google.maps.DirectionsRenderer
    directions.service  - Wrapper of google.maps.DirectionsService
    icons/              - PWA icons
  environments/         - Enviroments variables for different targets
  google-maps-mocks.ts  - Mock object of google maps for test
  index.html            - App entry point
  karma.conf.js         - Karma config
  manifest.json         - PWA manifest


  1. Run yarn to install packages.
  2. Replace your Google Maps API key in script tag in src/index.html
  3. Backend server can configure in src/environments.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Coverage info can generate to (./coverage) after run ng test. Coverage