Todo API (Slim Framework 4)

Simple todo API


  • Docker
  • docker-compose

Run the Application

> make up
> make migrate

After that, API is available at http://localhost:8080

Run this command in the application directory to run the test suite, make sure Application is running

> make test


Please see the Application routes app/routes.php


Get all projects

> http http://localhost:8080/projects

Create a project

> http -f POST http://localhost:8080/projects name=test

Edit the project

> http -f PUT http://localhost:8080/projects/1 name=test1

Remove the project

> http DELETE http://localhost:8080/projects/1


Get all tasks

> http http://localhost:8080/tasks

Create a task

> http -f POST http://localhost:8080/tasks name=test description=test-task project=1 'tag[]'=tag1 'tag[]'=tag2

Edit the task

> http -f PUT http://localhost:8080/tasks/1 name=test1

Remove the task

> http DELETE http://localhost:8080/tasks/1

The http tool

That's it!