Customizable Network intrusion dataset creator

This software enables the creation of a network intrusion dataset in CSV format. You can run it on a local server to create your own dataset or use this to read a PCAP from another source and convert that to CSV format based on the attributes you pick.


This program accepts a network log, pcap, and creates summary statistics using sliding window that moves through the log stream. The resulting CSV file contains one row of packet_dict for each time segment.

Sliding window

Major components

This runs as a multi-processing application with 4 python processes plus tshark

Stage Python Module Explanation
Ethernet interface or pcap/pcapng | data source for packet_dict
tshark not Python | converts to one line per packet json-sh format
subprocess pipe | communication between tshark and the Python program
PacketCapture - | reads from tshark output - massages labels
sharedQ | communication Queue
PacketAnalyze - | filters using protocol detectors and protocol statistics
servicesQ | communicaton Queue
ServiceIdentity - | higher level TCP and UDP service counts
timesQ | communicaton Queue
TimesAndCounts - | time windowing and file writer
csv file | feature file for model training
  1. tshark captures live data or replays data from a pcap/pcapng file. It each packet as a line of text output in their ek format. I chose it because each record is on a single line so now multi-line json assembly is required. The Python processes launch it and listen to standard out.
  2. PacketCapture is a python process that reads tshark and then transforms the data to make it more consumable. It converts the EK to true JSON and massages some of the label styles to json standard. The final text is pushed into a message queue
  3. PacketAnalyze accepts the dictionary from the Queue. It creates a node pair identifier and identifies the protocol and forwards the original data, the id and protocol to the next stage via a Queue. PacketAnalyze also captures aggregated statistics across the run. Nothing is done with those at this time and they are lost when the program exists.
  4. ServiceIdentity This module reads and ID, Protocol, packet data structure. It analyzes the packet to identify the higher-level service type of the message. Examples include DNS, SMTP, FTP, TLS, HTTP, SMB, SMB2, etc. The service list is added to the incoming data set and sent to a topic.
  5. TimesAndCounts manages the time windows and calculates the time bucket/window statistics and writes them to output. it reads from the inbound topic and aggregates statistics across a set of incoming packets. The statistics are retained for a single time window and are written to csv file, one record for each time window.

Tumbling Windows

The program creates a series of adjacent, non-overlapping, Tumbling Windows. Windows are defined by their maximum time span or their maximum event count. Each packet is included in just one window.

Each window starts at the start_time and spans for some period of time or for some number of packets. This means windows are bound by time or bound by event counts.

Time bound windows run from start_time until but not including the start_time + window_width. The end_time is the time of the last packet in the window

  • start_time <= packet time < start_time + window_width

Tumbling window


  1. A packet can be flagged as more than one services. Services like SSDP are implemented using HTTP. That service is currently counted as both. This means you can see a HTTP with no TCP
  2. IPV6 traffic does not have a ip.len field. This means that the tcp_ip_length value in the result set only includes ipv4 traffic.
  3. Only a subset of IP protocols are picked up by the detectors and passed on to the counts module: TCP, UDP, IGMP. Packets for others are dropped.
  4. Only a subset of non IP protocols are picked up and passed on to the counts module: ARP. Packets for others are dropped.
  5. Runs as a multi-processing application because Python does not support parallel concurrent threads
    • Was: This application has multiple concurrent threads but does not execute as parallel operations due to limitations in Python and the GIL.
  6. NBNS , SMB and SMB2 service counts have not ben vetted. They may be correct or overcount.
  7. Does not work with multiprocessing type spawn. Only works with fork. Code adjusted to force forkin order to run on Mac with Python 3.8 or later. Spawn is Mac default for 3.8+

Sample CSV output

tcp_frame_length tcp_ip_length tcp_length udp_frame_length udp_ip_length udp_length arp_frame_length num_tls num_http num_ftp num_ssh num_smtp num_dhcp num_dns num_nbns num_smb num_smb2 num_pnrp num_wsdd num_ssdp num_tcp num_udp num_arp num_igmp num_connection_pairs num_ports num_packets window_start_time window_end_time
0 0 0 2006 1084 1118 210 0 2 0 0 0 0 16 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 22 5 18 8 14 46 14806 19806
0 0 0 3479 2699 2487 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 15 2 0 0 0 2 0 28 0 6 4 8 34 19806 24806
0 0 0 16524 2781 14822 0 0 17 0 0 0 3 4 0 1 0 0 6 16 0 33 0 9 5 13 42 24806 29806
0 0 0 9798 1810 8636 84 0 18 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 23 2 2 5 7 27 29806 34806
0 0 0 16843 5915 15239 420 0 10 0 0 0 0 12 4 0 0 0 6 7 0 36 10 20 10 14 66 34806 39806
0 0 0 14842 7344 12918 168 0 33 0 0 0 1 10 2 0 0 0 0 15 0 46 4 6 8 12 56 39806 44806
0 0 0 8476 4324 7168 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 11 0 32 0 0 4 7 32 44806 49806
0 0 0 5126 2956 4244 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 6 2 0 0 2 3 0 23 0 0 4 11 23 49806 54806
0 0 0 2602 1535 1924 210 0 6 0 0 0 1 2 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 17 5 0 6 10 22 54806 59806
0 0 0 4914 2800 4168 84 0 6 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 2 3 0 19 2 0 5 12 21 59806 64806
6857 6615 6111 18677 9873 16171 504 0 16 0 0 0 7 21 2 4 0 2 4 7 13 59 12 21 16 33 105 64806 69806
6929 6747 6203 34439 17134 29359 420 0 31 0 0 0 5 23 30 2 0 15 6 14 13 120 10 24 15 36 167 69806 74806
29150 14857 26074 15555 8969 12973 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 13 17 4 0 5 2 7 46 63 0 4 11 24 113 74806 79806


If you are using this for research purposes please cite the publication listed below. The bibtex is as follows.

        AUTHOR="Nadun Rajasinghe and Jagath Samarabandu and Xianbin Wang",
        TITLE="{INSecS-DCS:} A Highly Customizable Network Intrusion Dataset Creation
        BOOKTITLE="2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical \& Computer Engineering (CCECE)
        (CCECE 2018)",
        ADDRESS="Quebec City, Canada",
        KEYWORDS="Network Intrusion Detection; Dataset creation; Security",
        ABSTRACT="One critical challenge in design and operation of network intrusion
        detection systems (IDS) is the limited datasets used for IDS training and
        its impact on the system performance. If the training dataset is not
        updated or lacks necessary attributes, it will affect the performance of
        the IDS. To overcome this challenge, we propose a highly customizable
        software framework capable of generating labeled network intrusion datasets
        on demand. In addition to the capability to customize attributes, it
        accepts two modes of packet_dict input and output. One input method is to collect
        real-time packet_dict by running the software at a chosen network node and the
        other is to get Raw PCAP files from another packet_dict provider. The output can
        be either Raw PCAP with selected attributes per packet or a processed
        dataset with customized attributes related to both individual packet
        features and overall traffic behavior within a time window. The abilities
        of this software are compared with a product which has similar intentions
        and notable novelties and capabilities of the proposed system have been

You can find the original research paper on researchgate and related papers at University of Western Ontario

Additions to the original project

  1. Migrated from print() statements to logging. Logging levels and formats are configured in logging_config.yaml
  2. Added IGMP counts
  3. Added num_smb, num_smb2, num_pnrp, num_wsdd, num_ssdp
  4. Added column that shows when that row ends
  5. Eliminated global variables other than the shared memory queues. This probably means this only works with fork
  6. Unified pcap and live tshark into single set of classes
  7. Added command line options
  8. Added IPv6 to one of the detectors. Can't remember which one
  9. Migrated from multi-threaded to multi-processors to make use of multiple cores. A way to get around the GIL
  10. Added support for count based tumbling window. Now supports both time and count.
    • Added command line option support for -wt or -wp.
    • Supports either or both time based or count based window boundaries.
    • The window behavior must be specified as a parameter in order to support one or both window parametrs.
  11. Force multiprocessing to run in fork mode. Linux does this natively. Mac Python 3.8 and later use Spawn
  12. Added unit tests
  13. Minimal requirements.txt added back
  14. Now counts non IP packets that were not analyzed separately from IP packets not analyzed


  1. Time and Count based Tumbling Windows for Network Packet Statistics
  2. Tumbling time windows for network analysis
  3. Using Python to implement tumbling time windows for network analysis

Running this program


  • Wireshark/Tshark (tshark) is installed, reachable and, on the PATH.. Installation would vary depending on your OS. Ubuntu install :

    sudo apt install tshark
  • This software is written in python3 so you will need to install python3. Most updated linux distributes already have it installed. Install it the way you wish. These were my notes.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3.8.5
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.6 1
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 2
    sudo update-alternatives --config python

    or if you are running anaconda

    conda update --prefix /home/joe/anaconda3 anaconda
  • The requirements.txt file has been re-added to the project without version numbers.

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • You can manually install the dependencies

    pip3 install pyyaml
    pip3 install pytest
  • Running in live capture mode may require sudo access to access the network in promiscuous mode. You will be prompted for a password at execution time

    cmd = "sudo tshark -r /path/filename -V -T json"
  • Mac Python 3, cpython, requires a yaml install.

    pip3 install pyyaml
  • pypy is slower than cpython as of 2022/10. If running pypy then you need to instal pyyaml:

    pypy3 -mpip install pyyaml

Sample pcap

Sample pcap files for testing can be found at

Unit tests

This project now has minimal unit tests to verify tumbling window behavor. The unit tests are require pytest You must install the testing dependencies if you wish to run the tests.

Installing testing dependencies

python3 -m pip install pytest

Running Unit Tests


Should see a variant of

============================================================================= test session starts ==============================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/joe/Network-intrusion-dataset-creator
collected 7 items                                                                                                                                                              

tests/ .....                                                                                                                                       [100%]

============================================================================== 5 passed in 0.01s ===============================================================================

Command line execution

  1. You can see the command line options python3 --help
    $ python3  --help
    Create time/count window statistics for pcap/pcapng stream or file
    optional arguments:
    -h,            --help                   show this help message and exit
    -s SOURCEFILE, --sourcefile SOURCEFILE  provide a pcap input file name instead of reading live stream
    -i INTERFACE,  --interface INTERFACE    use an interface. [eth0]
    -l HOWLONG,    --howlong HOWLONG        number of seconds to run live mode. [120]
    -o OUTFILE,    --outfile OUTFILE        change the name of the output file [dataset.csv]
    -wt WINDOW,    --windowtime WINDOW      time window in msec [5000]
    -wp COUNT,     --windowpackets COUNT    max packets in window [None]
    -t TSHARK,     --tshark TSHARK          tshark command [tshark]
  2. The system needs to know the windowing parameters. Tumbling Window behavior is specified with either window time or the window packet. One must be specified.
  3. The default behavior is to work off of live tshark output. You can change this by setting the --sourcefile on the command line.
    1. In this mode you will be running wireshark and capturing packets. These will be used to make your own dataset depending on the options you pick.
  4. The results are stored in a CSV file dataset.csv. You can override with the --outfile command line option
  5. You can set the capture time on a live network adapters with --howlong <time> option. The default is stored in The time is seconds.
  6. You can analyze an existing .pcap/.pcapng capture file and make a dataset in csv format. Specify the path to the input pcap/pcapng capture file with --sourcefile <path> The default is stored in input_file_path in
  7. You can define a time window for each aggregation record. Specify the time in msec with the --wt <size> command line option. TThe default is stored in . The time is in milliseconds.
  8. You can define a packet window, the max number of packets, for each aggregation record. Use the -wp <count> command line option.

Usage Notes:

*Linux users can set the execute bit on and run the directly without the python3 part.

chmod +x

Sample: Read from pcap file

Description Command
Use 5000 msec window reading from Razi...pcap file and write output to dataset.csv python3 --sourcefile Razi_15012021.pcap -wt 5000
Use 5000 msec window reading from smtp-ssl.pcapng file from and write output to dataset.csv python3 --sourcefile smtp-ssl.pcapng -wt 5000
Use 100 packet window reading from smtp-ssl.pcapng file from and write output to dataset.csv python3 --sourcefile smtp-ssl.pcapng -wp 100

Capture internet traffice from eth0 and writes the output to pcap files with tshark

Try this

sudo tshark  -i eth0 -a duration:120 -w /tmp/foo.pcap -F pcap

Zombie processes

You will end up with one zombie python3 process if you ctrl-c the command line you ran this under. Run some version of this:

pkill -f tshark
pkill -f python3


This progam makes use of 5 cores, 4 for python Python and one for tshark.
It maxes out the cores so hyperthreaded cores will not count towards performance.

These tests were run on two different machines

  • 16 core xeon v2 2.0/2.5 Ghz from SSD.
  • 8 core Ryzen 5800X 3.8Ghz from NVMe
Sample sample file size real time analyzed packets time windows sample period python CPU
Crylock 143,446,091 B real 1:43 user 1:40 sys 0:15 n/a n/a 10.04 tshark (only) 16C Xeon E5 2640 V2 2.2Ghz SATA/SSD
Crylock 143,446,091 B real 1:47 user 7:14 sys 2:36 128778 @ 1259/sec 122 10:04 cpython 16C Xeon E5 2640 V2 2.2Ghz SATA/SSD
Crylock 143,446,091 B real 1:15 user 5:17 sys 2:07 128778 @ 1578/sec 122 10:04 cpython 20C Xeon E5 2680 V2 2.8Ghz SATA/SSD
Crylock 143,446,091 B real 3:07 user 11:39 sys 1:21 128778 @ 754/sec 122 10:04 pypy 3.6 16C Xeon E5 2640 V2 2.2Ghz SATA/SSD
Crylock 143,446,091 B real 2:18 user 08:29 sys 0:50 128778 @ 1035/sec 122 10:04 pypy 3.7 20C Xeon E5 2680 V2 2.8Ghz SATA/SSD
Crylock 143,446,091 B real 0:21 user 1:38 sys 0:27 128778 @ 6150/sec 122 10:14 cypthon 8C Ryzen 5800X NVME
Razi 767,491,552 B 573523 @ 1106/sec 112 09:21 cpython 16C Xeon E5 2640 V2 2.2Ghz SATA/SSD
Razi 767,491,552 B real 6:07 user 25:31 sys 11:17 573523 @ 1562/sec 112 09:21 cpython 20C Xeon E5 2680 V2 2.8Ghz SATA/SSD
Razi 767,491,552 B real 1:37 user 7:28 sys 2:17 573523 @ 5874/sec 112 09:21 cypthon 8C Ryzen 5800X NVME
Razi 767,491,522 B total 2:49 user 10:30 sys 1:40 573523 @ 3418/sec 112 09:21 cpython 8C Macbook M1

This benchmark was for 2-queue 3-python process version. It was a test to see how much impact the queues vs the uplift of having extra processors. For this test we removed the queue between detectors and services.

Sample sample file size real time analyzed packets time windows sample period python
Crylock 143,446,091 b real:1:47 user:6:07 sys:1:22 128778 @ 1201/sec 122 10:04 cpython
Maze 1,045,083,415 b real:11:21 user:38:38 sys:8:33 770,987 @ 1131/sec 94 7:59 cpython
  1. Analysis times are linear with the number of packets processed
  2. Tested with ransomware samples from some of which may have originated on other sites.
  3. Running the 5 process (4 queue) version on quad core machines results in degraded performance by 10%. This is because we are CPU bound and have more processes that cores.
  4. Crylock and Razi retrieved from
  5. The Macbook M1 was limited by tshark performance as observed using top. The tshark process was at 100% while all the others were at 50%

Windowing behavior

These examples all use the same sample data set available on the wireshark site

5 second (5000msec) time window

Purely time based window

~/Network-intrusion-dataset-creator$ python3 --sourcefile smtp-ssl.pcapng -wt 5000
1 packetCount: 21 startTime: 11:31:42.005000 endTime: 11:31:42.450000
2 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:31:47.005000 endTime: 11:31:47.005000
3 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:31:52.005000 endTime: 11:31:52.005000
4 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:57.005000 endTime: 11:31:58.335000
5 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:02.005000 endTime: 11:32:02.005000
6 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:07.005000 endTime: 11:32:07.005000
7 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:12.005000 endTime: 11:32:12.005000
8 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:17.005000 endTime: 11:32:17.005000
9 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:22.005000 endTime: 11:32:22.005000
10 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:32:27.005000 endTime: 11:32:29.517000
11 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:32.005000 endTime: 11:32:32.005000
12 packetCount: 9 startTime: 11:32:37.005000 endTime: 11:32:41.025000 

10 second time window

Purely time based window. The larger (>5000msec) means fewer windows.

~/Network-intrusion-dataset-creator$ python3 --sourcefile smtp-ssl.pcapng -wt 10000
1 packetCount: 21 startTime: 11:31:42.005000 endTime: 11:31:42.450000
2 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:52.005000 endTime: 11:31:58.335000
3 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:02.005000 endTime: 11:32:02.005000
4 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:12.005000 endTime: 11:32:12.005000
5 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:32:22.005000 endTime: 11:32:29.517000
6 packetCount: 9 startTime: 11:32:32.005000 endTime: 11:32:41.025000

4 packet maximum or 10 seconds (10000msec)

Maximum of 4 packets or 10 seconds whichever is first. The small packet max means more windows. There is one window in the middle that timed out before filling.

~/Network-intrusion-dataset-creator$ python3 --sourcefile smtp-ssl.pcapng -wp 4 -wt 10000
1 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:42.005000 endTime: 11:31:42.089000
2 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:42.089000 endTime: 11:31:42.132000
3 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:42.132000 endTime: 11:31:42.212000
4 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:42.212000 endTime: 11:31:42.309000
5 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:42.309000 endTime: 11:31:42.450000
6 packetCount: 1 startTime: 11:31:42.450000 endTime: 11:31:42.450000
7 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:52.450000 endTime: 11:31:58.335000
8 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:32:29.474000 endTime: 11:32:29.517000
9 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:32:40.938000 endTime: 11:32:41.025000
10 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:32:41.025000 endTime: 11:32:41.025000
11 packetCount: 1 startTime: 11:32:41.025000 endTime: 11:32:41.025000

20 packet maximum or 10 seconds (10000msec)

Maximum of 20 packets or 10 seconds whichever is first. The large packet window size with the small data set results in several empty windows in the middle.

~/Network-intrusion-dataset-creator$ python3 --sourcefile smtp-ssl.pcapng -wp 20 -wt 10000
1 packetCount: 20 startTime: 11:31:42.005000 endTime: 11:31:42.450000
2 packetCount: 1 startTime: 11:31:42.450000 endTime: 11:31:42.450000
3 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:31:52.450000 endTime: 11:31:58.335000
4 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:02.450000 endTime: 11:32:02.450000
5 packetCount: 0 startTime: 11:32:12.450000 endTime: 11:32:12.450000
6 packetCount: 4 startTime: 11:32:22.450000 endTime: 11:32:29.517000
7 packetCount: 9 startTime: 11:32:32.450000 endTime: 11:32:41.025000

Source Code standards

The source tree is formatted with black in Visual Studio Code extension