
Simple Russian voice assistant based on Android Things and Raspberry Pi 3

Primary LanguageJava

Fool. Russian Android Things voice assistant

Simple voice assistant based on Android Things and Raspberry Pi 3. It uses Pocketsphinx for wakeword recognition, Yandex SpeechKit Mobile SDK for speech recognition and Api.ai Android SDK for natural language understanding. It understands only Russian language.


  • play music from Spotify;
  • manage tasks from Todoist;
  • show images from Bing image search;
  • tell the weather from Open Weather;
  • recognize and remember RFID tags;
  • make Wikipedia queries;
  • translate from Russian to English or Chinese;
  • GPIO, turn on/off colors of the LED.

Video demonstration (English subs available):

Android Things voice assistant


To use it, you need Android Things(>= v.0.2) to be installed on your RPi 3. Then connect a microphone (you can use USB mic), speakers, monitor and if you want to use LED or RFID scanner, connect it like shown on the image below. When you first start, you will need a mouse to give a few permissions to the app. Then you have to add your API keys in Config.java