- 1
put victim nickname in kline oper reason
#60 opened by jesopo - 1
- 4
- 0
support IPv6 in mxbl
#55 opened by jesopo - 1
- 2
#41 opened by sacredland - 0
add CHALLENGE support
#44 opened by jesopo - 5
Voiced users shouldn't be banned
#15 opened by impredicative - 1
- 6
- 2
TypeError in checkpattern handling
#40 opened by mweinelt - 0
pattern case sensitivity
#33 opened by mweinelt - 1
Use monospaced font to highlight IRC channel names and commands on README
#36 opened by MarcoAurelioWM - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
Log channel bad notices include cloaked host as kline target regardless of use whowas
#26 opened by Mikaela - 0
- 6
- 0 has a lot of freenode-specific things
#22 opened by Mikaela - 1
- 0
Reason for Sigyn warning occasionally not obvious
#21 opened by equinox - 0
- 0
/msg sigyn unkline nickhere is case-sensitive
#18 opened by fndax - 1
Add unit tests
#6 opened by progval - 3
- 1
channel notices are treated as CTCP
#11 opened by thegrumble - 2
LICENSE file does not match file headers
#7 opened by progval