
API layer that exposes ganglia data in a RESTful JSON manner

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ganglia API v2

License Version Build Status Code Climate Issues Pull Requests

The Ganglia API is a small standalone python application that takes XML data from a number of Ganglia gmetad processes and presents a RESTful JSON API of the most recently received data.

This is designed to be part of our wider monitoring and metrics framework.

What's that you say?

The ganglia gmetad XML API leaves something to be desired, especially if you are running a large number of gmetad processes. This finds all of the gmetad processes, then polls each one of them in turn, keeping the latest results in memory.

We make it easy to query the latest data searching by environment, grid, cluster, host, group or metric name.

Requirements and assumptions

You'll need python 2.7 and tornado (upstream uses 4.3, 5.0 also works) available to run this server.

The code assumes you are on the same server as the gmetad configuration, which is stored under /etc/ganglia using filenames of the form gmetad-*.conf - the asterisk being interpreted as the environment.

Ganglia Gmetad Example Configuration Files

gmetad-PROD.conf   # => xml_port 8651, interactive_port 8652
gmetad-STAGE.conf  # => xml_port 8751, interactive_port 8752
gmetad-DEV.conf    # => xml_port 8851, interactive_port 8852

We also assume that /var/log/ganglia-api.log is writable and we can create /var/run/ganglia-api.pid to record the PID.

That being the case you should be able to run the python app on the command line and it will listen by default on port 8080.

Local Setup

If you're used to using virtualenv, then setup is easy:

$ virtualenv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Edit ganglia_api.py to import dev_settings rather than settings. Then run something like this:

$ python ganglia/ganglia_api.py

The API should now be running on port 8080.


There is currently one API endpoint at http://localhost:8080/ganglia/api/v2/metrics

You can filter using the following fields:

  • environment
  • grid
  • cluster
  • host
  • group
  • metric

For example:


Which will return you the most recent one minute load values for every host in PROD as JSON.

The following is some example output:

    "metrics": [
            "cluster": "webdc1",
            "dataUrl": "http://ganglia-api.example.com:8080/ganglia/api/v2/metrics?&environment=PROD&cluster=webdc1&host=vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64&grid=web&metric=load_one",
            "description": "One minute load average",
            "environment": "PROD",
            "graphUrl": "http://vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64/ganglia/graph.php?&ti=One%20Minute%20Load%20Average&c=webdc1&r=1day&v=0&h=vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64&vl=%20&z=default&m=load_one",
            "grid": "web",
            "group": "load",
            "host": "vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64",
            "id": "prod.web.webdc1.vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64.load.load_one",
            "instance": "",
            "metric": "load_one",
            "sampleTime": "2016-06-17T13:47:35.000Z",
            "tags": [
            "title": "One Minute Load Average",
            "type": "gauge",
            "units": " ",
            "value": 0.0
    "status": "ok",
    "time": "0.000",
    "total": 1

Manual Testing

The following commands assume the real web server (in this case apache) is properly configured to proxy for ganglia_api (on localhost). Only port 443 for the webserver is publicly accessible, and digest auth is required. The web server is also the same host running the top-level gmetad process for at least one ganglia cluster.

For checking proper integration, you need to have a working gmetad where you installed ganglia_api. The tools you will need are:

  • a telnet client for getting xml output from gmetad
  • curl for getting json output from ganglia_api
  • a .netrc file for curl to auth against the web server

If you have "JSON = True" in settings.py, then you should not need to manually process the dump file as shown below (you can also remove the --header argument from the curl commands below).

First get some xml metric data from gmetad to verify json values:

$ telnet localhost 8651 > gmetad_dump.xml

Substitute your port numbers if needed (don't use the interactive port).

Next check ganglia_api directly on localhost:

$ curl -n --digest --header "Accept:application/json" ""

Substitute your values for grid, cluster, etc. Add -o ganglia-dump.json to capture output to a file. If localhost is working, try the same thing from a remote machine using the public hostname:

$ curl -o ganglia-dump.json -n --digest --header "Accept:application/json" "https://myserver.mydomain.com/ganglia/api/v2/metrics?&environment=all&cluster=MyCluster&host=myhost.mydomain.com&grid=MyGrid&metric=load_one"

Substitute your hostnames, etc.


The default output should be properly formatted JSON with the correct header. The following command should not be necessary unless you set JSON = False in your settings.

Assuming your filename is the same as shown above, make the output human-readable:

$ python -m json.tool ganglia-dump.json > ganglia-dump-pretty.json

Now you can view both files in an editor or use grep to find the values of interest.


Ganglia API v1 and v2 Copyright 2012-2013,2016 Guardian News & Media

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.