
A sudoku app using vanilla.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A sudoku app that's touch friendly. It's designed so that you select a square and then the valid moves pop up, so it's easy to play on your phone. (A lot of other approaches use <input> which requires popping up the keyboard)

This is built without using any constraining frameworks that make assumptions for you. Simple JQuery plugin with some basic click functionality. :D

Live Version: http://freeqaz.com/public/sudoku/

Install Instructions

  1. Install node.js and npm (just google it)
  2. Install bower: npm install -g bower
  3. Install gulp: npm install -g gulp
  4. Clone repo and open shell in directory
  • npm install
  • bower install
  1. Build app by invoking gulp: gulp
  2. Run web server (simple node file server): node server.js
  3. Connect to localhost:8080
  4. Get some iced tea and chill out, because sudoku is hard!


Alt text

Todo Wishlist

  • Fully responsive layout (Swap CSS, probably) (Could still be better though)
  • Save game state to local storage when you move
  • Switch to using a templating engine and replace the <table>

Technical Notes

I chose to use JQuery's plugin capability to populate the sudoku grid. It's pretty easy and allows you to have a clear structure to your code.

There are two files:

  • sudoku.js, which holds all of the logic for the board. This is a fork of robatron's sudoku repo. Used his implementation to generate the puzzle (why roll my own?) which I built on top of by adding a few utility functions. He's an obvious non-JS guy so I had to clean up a few things.
  • app.js, this is the juicy bit. This actually creates the HTML and contains the UI interaction logic. It uses JQuery and Underscore. I might switch to Jade or Handlebars for the board's HTML, since doing it in pure JS is a bit of a hassle.

For the CSS, it's pretty basic. There's some media query bits for handling a responsive layout and otherwise... It's just CSS. This app isn't complicated enough that SASS/LESS would really provide tangible benefits.