
Display some kind of monthly financial report on the website

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm sure you've already thought of this, @chrislo, but I think the sooner we can start doing this the better even if it starts off being very basic, because it will enhance our transparency credentials. Some initial thoughts...

  • Publicly accessible or at least available to artists
  • Some kind of summary (or anonymized details) of customer purchases, Stripe fees, fees, payouts to artists, Wise fees, etc
  • Some kind of breakdown of costs for 3rd party services, e.g. Render, Postmark, AWS, etc
  • Some kind of breakdown of developer-hours worked on the project
  • Maybe some kind of summary of the number of artists, number of albums, number of tracks, etc?
  • Maybe some indication of traffic to the website?

I wrote something for January '24 in d01bf29. This might be a good basis if we want to automate something or create some templates etc.