
EvoHome Logger

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Evo Logger Build Status


To allow you to read your actual and desired temperatures from your EvoHome system (and others) and log them to a variety of destinations.

Destinations include "data stores" such as .csv files or influxdb database for further ingestion by Excel or grafana respectively, or directly to graphing websites such as emoncms

Getting Started

  1. Clone the entire repo to your preferred location.
  2. Configure the global settings in the [DEFAULT] section of config.ini
  3. Configure each plugin in config.ini according to your needs - see the README.md file with each plugin for details on how to configure it. All plugins live in the "plugins" folder - you can delete ones you don't want (and remove the relevant config.ini section) or add disabled to the relevant config.ini section to explicitly disable it
  4. run it!
    • Locally
      • pip3 install -r requirements.txt to add the required python packages (for all plugins)
      • python3 evologger.py to start the application (add -h for help)
    • In Docker
      • See below to run in Docker

Running in Docker

A Docker image is available that you can download and run docker pull freeranger/evologger:latest You will need to map your own configuration file into the container as the built in one is not configured. You may also for example map a volume/file for csv output rather than storing in the container volume.

It is beyond the scope of this document to describe how to use docker but as an example you could do something like this: docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/config.docker.ini:/evologger/config.ini freeranger/evologger

which will map the file config.docker.ini in the current folder into the running container

The Dockerfile is included in this repo so you can build and run the container locally if you wish: From the source folder:

  1. docker build -t evologger .
  2. Run:
    • docker run --rm -it evologger (to run in the foregound with coloured output)
    • docker run --rm -d evologger (to run in detached mode)

Note If you are running services in other containers on the same host that you wish to accerss (e.g. Influx) then you need to use host.docker.internal in place of the host name or IP you would otherwise use - or you could use a docker compose file and ensure they are in the same docker network

[DEFAULT] config.ini settings

pollingInterval=600     - Frequency in seconds to read temperatures from input plugins and write them to the output plugins.  0 => do once, then exit
                          It is recommended that this is set to no less than 5 minutes as some of the api's used by plugins (e.g. plot.ly) limit the numer of api calls you can make per day.
Outside=<zone name>     - Name you want to use for your outside "zone" (if you have one) when reading the external temperature - used by some input plugins, e.g. darksky.net, netatmo
HotWater=Hot Water      - Name you want to use for the Hot Water "zone" (if you have one) when reading the temperature - used by some plugins, e.g. evohome, console
debug=<true|false>      - If true then output/log debug level info.  This must be true to debug into plugins too
httpDebug=<true|false>  - IF trye then http requests/responses are logged at the debug level


Evologger supports a "plugin" architecture where you can add new input sources and output destinations simply by adding the plugin to the plugins directory and adding any necessary configuration to the config.ini file.

Any plugins you don't want to use, it's probably best to remove their section(s) from the config.ini file completely.

Available plugins

  • Evohome - essential to collect values from your EvoHome system (via the evohome-client library)
  • Darksky - Reads the current local temperature from darksky.net at the same time as your room temps are read
  • Netatmo Weather station - reads the temperature from your weather station's Outdoor module at the same time as your room temps are read
  • Console - writes to the console
  • Csv - write to a csv file so you can generate your own graphs or whatever in Excel
  • Emoncms - write directly to emoncms inputs
  • InfluxDb 1.x - write to an InfluxDB 1.x timeseries database so you can then graph in grafana for example.
  • InfluxDb 2.x - write to an InfluxDB 2.x timeseries database so you can then graph in grafana for example.

See the readme file in each plugin's folder for instructions on any specific configuration or initialisation steps required.

All plugins support the following options in config.ini:

disabled=<true|false>   - If true then the plugin is disabled completely and will never be invoked
simulation=<true|false> - if true then input plugins will return random values rather than contacting the
                          source whilst output plugins will write to the debug log but not the actual
                          destination.  Default: false if not present
debug=<true|false>      - If true then write to the debug log.  If not present then follows the debug setting
                          in the [DEFAULT] section of the config file.  If present and false (the only time it
                          makes sense to add this value) then do not write debug output for this specific plugin only
                          even if the [DEFAULT] setting is to debug

Creating your own plugins

Plugins come in two flavours - input plugins and output plugins. Input plugins are sources of temperature data and output plugins are where you record that data.

The simplest way to get started with your own plugin is to look at one of the existing ones - eg. darksky.net for input or csv for output.

There are a few rules you must follow for your plugin:

  • Plugins must be stored beneath the "plugins" folder and have a __init__.py file.
  • The name of the plugin folder should match the name of the section in the config.ini
  • The plugin must be a class named Plugin and inherit from InputPluginBase or OutputPluginBase as appropriate
  • The plugin has a _read_configuration method which reads any plugin-specific config from the supplied config instance
  • The plugin should support the disabled|simulation|debug options in config.ini as described previously
  • An input plugin must implement the _read_temperatures method which returns a tuple which is:
    • An array of Temperature objects with these properties:
      • zone - the name of the "zone" the temperature is for
      • actual - the actual temperature
      • target - the target temperature - this is optional - do not supply if target has no meaning for this plugin (e.g. when reading outside temperature)
    • A text string representation of the temperatures read
  • An output plugin must implement the _write_temperatures method which takes these parameters:
    • timestamp - the time in UTC when the temperature readings were taken
    • temperatures - an array of Temperature object, with the same format as emitted by the input plugins


  • Only a single EvoHome location is currently supported (you can specify which one if you have multiple locations)
  • In theory this should work as a scheduled job (cron|launchd|whatever windows uses) but I have no idea how to get the scheduled "environment" to pick up the same python settings/config as a conole app for a logged on user picks up (various attempts failed) so I just run it in a console window and leave it open.


3.0.0 (2022-02-06)

  • Rewritten to use the new plugin model
  • Removed deprecated plotly plugin

2.1.0 (2021-01-82)

  • Netatmo plugin added (v 1.0.0)
  • Fix changelog dates
  • get_string_or_default will select from the DEFAULT section if an empty key exists in the plugin section
  • read_temperatures sorts the temps using the actual configured OutsideZone name and not hard coded 'Outside'
  • Evohome plugin updated (v 2.0.1)

2.0.0 (2021-12-28)

  • Upgraded to Python 3.9
  • Additional logging and bug fixes
  • New output plugins
    • Console
    • InfluxDB 2.x
  • Note: The following do not work at the moment and will hopefully be addressed soon
    • The Plot.ly plugin
    • Unit tests

1.0.0 (2017)

Initial release

Disclaimer I am not a Python programmer - this is probably awful python code, but it works for me - use at your own risk.