is shell base application to read and to write a ID3 tag.
- it based on rtag library
To learn rust!
$ git clone
$ cd markdang
$ docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/work freestrings/rust-build-armv7
scp -P 22 "$PWD/target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/markdang" \
$ curl -sSf | sh
$ git clone
$ cd markdang
$ cargo build --release
$ echo "export PATH=$PWD/target/release:\$PATH" > .markdang
$ source .markdang
$ markdang --help
markdang 0.3
Changseok Han <>
markdang [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT>...
-h, --help Prints help information
-t, --transform ff format convert to jj format
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --write write mode on
-f, --format <FORMAT> default value is text. (t|tt|j|jj|f|ff) t=simple text, tt=text, j=simple json, jj=json, f=file, ff=the absolute file path with a basic metadata
-m, --match <MATCH> it find to match id. ex) -m "!APIC | TALB.text~'Dio'" see more example at
<INPUT>... mp3 file pathes. ex) ./markdang file1 file2
Reference - properties of ID3 frames
simple texttt
rich textj
simple jsonjj
rich jsonf
file name only
$ find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -printf "\"%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f tt # tt => rich text
version: 3
TIT2(TEXT { text_encoding: ISO88591, text: "Track 14" })
TALB(TEXT { text_encoding: ISO88591, text: "CD3" })
TPE1(TEXT { text_encoding: ISO88591, text: "Various" })
TRCK(TEXT { text_encoding: ISO88591, text: "14/20" })
$ find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -printf "\"%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f jj # jj => rich json
"file": "/home/han/Musics/4.mp3",
"head": {
"version": "3",
"flags": null
"frames": [
"flags": null,
"body": {
"TIT2": {
"text_encoding": "ISO88591",
"text": "Track 4"
"flags": null,
"body": {
"TALB": {
"text_encoding": "ISO88591",
"text": "CD3"
"frame1": null
'!' operator can be used both for a frame id and frame property.
ex) To find that a album image is empty.
$ find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -printf "\"%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f tt -m "\!APIC"
ex) To find that a album image is empty and a track is not '2/20'.
$ find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -printf "\"%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f tt -m "!APIC & TRCK.text\!'2/20'"
a text
is property of TRCK frame above example.
(start with)$
(end with)=
ex) To find that a 'text_encoding' of album is 'UTF16LE' and a title contains 'Dio'
$ find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -printf "\"%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f tt -m "TIT2.text~'Dio' & TALB.text_encoding='UTF16LE'"
ex) A album image is empty and a artist is 'Dio' or a artist is 'Metallica'
$ find . -type f -name "*.mp3" -printf "\"%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f tt -m "\!APIC & (TPE1~'Dio' | TPE1~'Metallica')"
$ markdang ./<JSON FILE> -w
The format of json file. (it is the same to -f jj
option output)
$ markdang x.mp3 -f jj > X.txt
$ markdang X.txt -w
//< // start
"file": "", // <file name> type: string, madatory
"head": { // <id3 header> type: object, optional
"version": "" // type: string
"flags": "" // type: string, comma seperated
"frames": [ // <frame v2> type: array, optional
"flags": "" // type: string, comma seperated
"body": {
"FRAME ID": { // type: string
"PROPERTY": "" // type: string
"frame1": { // <frame v1> type: object
"title": "", // type: string
"artist": "", // type: string
"album": "", // type: string
"year": "", // type: string
"comment": "", // type: string
"track": "", // type: string
"genre": "" // type: string
//> // end
The meaning of 'clean writing' is remove frame1 and re-write as version 4. see a detail explain in rtag library.
add clean
option in the start.
"file": "<absolute path>/tests/v1-v2.mp3",
"frames": [
"flags": null,
"body": {
"TIT2": {
"text_encoding": "UTF8",
"text": "타이틀"
$ markdang ./tests/clean.json -w
To change or add image to mp3, it must use a placeholder #{}
in a description
property of APIC, PIC frame.
The https protocol does not support. because of OpenSSL version problem on ARM.
"description": "This description of artwork. #{file:/path/to/image.png}"
"description": "This description of artwork. #{}"
"frames": [
"flags": null,
"body": {
"APIC": {
"text_encoding": "UTF8",
"mime_type": "image/jpeg",
"picture_type": "CoverFront",
"description": "... ${URL} ...",
"picture_data": [],
markdang file_path -f ff
file: /.../xxx.mp3
artwork: /.../Corver.jpg
find . -name "*.mp3" -type f -printf "\%p\"\n" | xargs markdang -f ff > basic.txt
# fill the basic.txt file
markdang ./basic.txt -t > meta.txt
markdang ./meta.txt -w