
Client iOS app for bitrise.io πŸš€

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Bitrise iOS Client app πŸš€


Build Status codecov


  • βœ… App List GET /me/apps
    • Shows last visited app page on launch
  • βœ… Build List
    • Show builds
    • Abort
    • Rebuild
  • βœ… Trigger
    • Add/Delete workflowIDs
    • Cache workflowIDs, API token and last gitObject using Realm
    • Trigger Build for each app
  • βœ… bitrise.yml
    • download / upload
    • Syntax Highlight

Feel free to contrbuteπŸ‘Œ I'm going to move these TODOs to GitHub issues.

Getting Started

Setup Carthage

Install the latest version of Carthage.

brew install carthage

Run following to build dependency frameworks.

carthage bootstrap --platform iOS

Generate xcodeproj

Please install the latest version of XcodeGen on your own.

mint install yonaskolb/XcodeGen

Generate xcodeproj by running command below.

mint run xcodegen

Now you can open the xcodeproj, build it, and run.πŸ‘Œ

Set credentials in app

You need to set credentials below to use full feature of this app.

All tokens are securely stored in encrypted database using Realm. Encrypted key is stored in your keychain. Don't worry, it's safe.πŸ˜‰


Bitrise Personal Access Token

Required to access Bitrise v0.1 API.

SeeAlso: http://devcenter.bitrise.io/api/v0.1/#authentication

API Token for Build Trigger API

This is different for each app.

SeeAlso: http://devcenter.bitrise.io/api/build-trigger

Pro tip: use configs/user.xcconfig to pre-define workflows.

You can define workflowIDs preset for each apps by using TRIGGER_BUILD_WORKFLOW_IDS. This way you don't have to manually add workflowIDs.

The format is in JSON. Use AppSlug as a key and set whitespace separated string as workflowIDs.


TRIGGER_BUILD_WORKFLOW_IDS={ "fdc3abbc325071dd": "beta danger release test" }

Put this in configs/user.xcconfig, so the app can read and store parsed values in database at initial launch. Make sure you clean install for this config to take effect.

user.xcconfig is ignored by git. (listed in .gitignore)
