Convert the Enron emails to JSON

This operates on the CALO dataset, and is pretty hackish.

Usage instructions

npm install
# or

Get the CALO dataset. Untar it here. The directory structure should look something like:

|-- index.js
|-- maildir
    |-- allen-p
        |-- inbox
        |-- ...
    |-- arnold-j
    |-- ...
|-- package.json
|-- ...

Then, simply run node index.js. The application will read in emails, convert them to JSON, write them in place, and delete the original plaintext emails. The process isn't great, but gave me a quick and easy way to cancel and resume the process without having to start from the beginning. As a result, if you want to modify the conversion, you'll have to remove the maildir and unpack the tar with the plaintext emails again.


A compressed mongodb back up file.