Freetronics ProtoShieldBasic

Copyright 2013 Freetronics Pty Ltd
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A minimalist general-purpose prototyping shield for the Arduino Uno, Freetronics Eleven, and other compatible boards based on the same header format.

This design is intended to maximise prototyping area by extending the plain pads right to the ends of the board, which also makes it easier to fit horizontal PCB-mount sockets that need to overlap the edge.

Note that this design is intended for simple fabrication and assembly, and does not have many of the features of other prototyping shields such as the "ProtoShield Pro" (also available from Freetronics) such as general-purpose LEDs.


  • Pads for reset button connected to Arduino reset pin.
  • Pads for 100nF smoothing capacitor.
  • Pads for "power on" LED and current-limiting resistor.
  • Parts overlay on both the top and the bottom so you can see what you are connecting without having to keep turning the board over.

More information is available at:


The design is saved as an EAGLE project. EAGLE PCB design software is available from free for non-commercial use. To use this project download it and place the directory containing these files into the "eagle" directory on your computer. Then open EAGLE and navigate to Projects -> eagle -> ProtoShieldBasic.


The specific terms of distribution of this project are governed by the license referenced below.


Licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License ( The "license" folder within this repository also contains a copy of this license in plain text format.