
Demo project for creating dynamics form with Vue, Django and Element UI.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple implementation of what the britecore system does (Project URL )[http://britcore-peter.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/]

Backend Stack

The backend is build entirely using Django and Django Rest Framework which makes if fully RESTFul


The api service is provision using Zappa and AWS lambda

Client Stack

The entire client app is build using Vue.JS Amazon S3 help in serving the statis content which, talks to our api

-- Database is running on MySQL

Runnning client code in developement

  • cd client
  • npm run dev

Running server

  • cd webapp
  • ./manage.py runserver

Run test

  • cd webapp
  • ./manage.py runtest

How to use the Application

Creating a Risk

  • User can create a risk type img

Building Risk Form

User can Build form for a risk type imag

Displaying Risk Form

The form can be displayed imag