
A small template engine built for dart

Primary LanguageDart


A small template engine built for dart.

Simple rules:

The main symbol used in the SharkDart is @. There are several simple rules:

  1. @ escape: @@ -> @

  2. expression

    1. simple: @name, or @{name}
    2. complex: @{name.toLowerCase()}
  3. tag

    1. param list: @author(String name: 'Freewind', love: 'programming') { Thanks for PetitParserDart! }
    2. expression: @if(a==b) { <div>Hello</div> }
    3. no-params: @markdown { **hello** }
    4. no-body: @include(a.txt)
  4. plain-text tag

    Use @! instead of @, the content of block will be transformed, e.g.

     @!dart {{{{{{
        // here are some dart code
        String hello() {
            print('Hello, world!');

    You can repeat { and }, to make unique start and end of the block. PS: The same to normal tags @tag {{{ .. }}}

Compiled to dart code

SharkDart is flexible, we can use dart code in template, by:

@!dart {
    // you dart code

But since dart doesn't support eval code dynamically, shark template have to be compiled to dart code, and invoked as functions in our program.

Say there is a hello.shark, which will be compiled to hello.dart, and we will invoke it like:

// import generated hello.dart from somewhere
import 'hello.dart' as hello;
String result = hello.render({name: 'world'});

Built-in tags

  • @params(String user, List<String> friends)
  • @extends(./layout, user: 'Shark')
  • @renderBody()
  • @if(name=='Shark') { ... }
  • @elseif(name=='Dart') { ... }
  • @else { ... }
  • @for(user: users, separator: ',') { ... }
  • @render(./another, title: 'Left') { ... }
  • @!dart { ... }
  • @!plainText(trim:true) { ... }

You can see the usage in the 'test/templates/tags' directory.


Thanks for the great parser PetitParserDart, and the author @renggli