
R package for viewing mutation needle lollipop plot widgets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mutsneedle: An R package to generating interactive lolipop plots

Mutsneedle is an R version of the MutsNeedlePlot package developed by Michael Schroeder https://github.com/mpschr In many bioinformatics/genomics task involving mutation inspection it is quite useful to explore the significant of certain alterations to a protein sequence.


Firstly download and Install the package using devtools


It may not be necessary to include htmlwidgets with mutsneedle but this has not been tested.


The mutsneedle function expects a data frame of mutation information for a particular gene. It can also accept domain/region information to annotate the lolipop plot.


Rstudio mutsneedle

The mutdata input is an R data frame with the colums:

  • coord - A string coordinate e.g. "11" , "1-10" are both valid
  • category - String describing the category of the mutation
  • value - numeric value

Other columns may be present in the dataframe but they will be ignored.

You may also insert a gene and transcript ID into the plot using the 'gene' and 'transcript' args to the mutsneedle function.

Usage in a Shiny App

The app is quite easy to call in Shiny thanks to the wonderful htmlwidgets package


   ui = mutsneedleOutput("id",width=800,height=500),
   server = function(input, output) {
     output$id <- renderMutsneedle(
        data <- exampleMutationData()
        regiondata <- exampleRegionData()

More info Mutations Needle Plot (muts-needle-plot)

A needle-plot (aka stem-plot or lollipop-plot) plots each data point as a big dot and adds a vertical line that makes it appear like a needle.


This software is citable! Different citation styles available at *http://dx.doi.org/*+DOI


Image of a Needle-Plot

Examples (snippets)

This library is can be found as npm-library in the BioJS registry.

Thus examples can bee seen at the biojs.net registry: http://biojs.net/


Please report issues at: https://github.com/freezecoder/mutsneedle/issues Authors

Original credit goes to Michael Schroeder and his group for the javascript version.

The R/HTMLWidgets credit is done by

Zayed Albertyn