
Mutation name

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Do you think that you could add the option of viewing the name of the mutation that is represented in each dot?

Thanks a lot!


Do you mean this is shown as the default view? If you mouse hover over the dot it will show the mutation ID of that field you used e.g. P72R. Am I understanding your request correctly?

OK I see the issue here. What I typically do is rerun mutsneedle() with a different R data frame where the 'category' field is the amino acid change field or HGSVSP e.g. P72R. The 'coord' and 'gene' fields remans unchanged but the 'value' field is recalculated as the frequency of the amino acid change. Because I typically embed these in shiny apps I toggle between category and mutation name. I hope this helps if you try it out.