Run Novoalign using Hadoop Streaming. The hadoop software stack is widely used for big data analysis. In bioinformatics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) there is however the potential to use existing software to distribute using the hadoop streaming mechanism. A collection of SAM alignment files are produced by this script and these can be further processed by HadoopBAM to make BAM files for further analysis.
- A working hadoop cluster. For human-genome sized alignments you will need hadoop streaming to run large memory jobs, typically above 6Gb.
- Download novoalign and request free trial license from See the [release notes] (
Note well: requires V3.03.00 or higher
./ reads.tsv database.nix alignment_out novoalign.lic
All locations are in HDFS. Therefore novoindex your genome before loading into HDFS. Novoalign.lic is the novoalign license file
Note that the novohadoop.jar is required. This jar is an archive of the executables of
- novoalign
- samtools
- align.cmd (the mapper for mapreduce)
Set the $HADOOP_STREAMING variable in the shell script to it's location on your hadoop cluster. Upload the jar in this repo or your own to HDFS and set it's location in the script
An example of buildin your own jar is given below:
jar -cf novohadoop.jar align.cmd novoalign samtools novosort novoindex
Jnomics may be used for this. Also a simple perl program in scripts/ is included.
- Convert FASTQ reads
perl scripts/ s_1_1_sequence.txt.gz s_1_2_sequence.txt.gz > s_1.reads.tsv
- Copy all TSV files to HDFS.
hadoop fs -mkdir reads
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal s_1.reads.tsv reads/
- On your local filesystem run the following on a genome fasta file:
novoindex genome.nix genome.fasta
- Copy the genome index to HDFS. This is a binary file and cannot be split.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal genome.nix index/
tested on the following:
- Amazon Hadoop AWS 1.3
- Cloudera CDH4/5
contact us at to obtain a free trial license or to report issues in our support forum