
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A command line utility and library for using RAM、Credential and permission related features in Alibaba Cloud Container Service For Kubernetes (ACK).


You can download the latest release from Releases page.

You can reuse ~/.aliyun/config.json file from aliyun cli (For detailed configuration instructions, please visit the document Configuration Alibaba Cloud CLI ).

Or use ~/.alibabacloud/credentials file (this path can be overridden using the --profile-file flag):

$ cat ~/.alibabacloud/credentials

type = access_key
access_key_id = foo
access_key_secret = bar

Or environment variables (also support credential related environment variables from aliyun cli):

# access key id
# access key secret
# sts token (optional)

# or use credentials URI: https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-cli#use-credentials-uri
$ export ALIBABA_CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_URI=http://localhost:6666/?user=jacksontian

A kubectl/client-go credential plugin for ACK。

Get a kubeconfig with exec credential plugin format:

ack-ram-tool credential-plugin get-kubeconfig --cluster-id <clusterId> > kubeconfig

Use this kubeconfig to access cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig get ns

Remove cached credentials:

rm ~/.kube/cache/ack-ram-tool/credential-plugin/*.json

Enable RRSA feature :

$ ack-ram-tool rrsa enable -c <clusterId>

? Are you sure you want to enable RRSA feature? Yes
Enable RRSA feature for cluster c86fdd*** successfully

Check status of RRSA feature:

$ ack-ram-tool rrsa status -c <clusterId>

RRSA feature:          enabled
OIDC Provider Name:    ack-rrsa-c86fdd***
OIDC Provider Arn:     acs:ram::18***:oidc-provider/ack-rrsa-c86fdd***
OIDC Token Issuer:     https://oidc-ack-***/c86fdd***

Associate an RAM Role to a service account (use the --create-role-if-not-exist flag to auto create an RAM Role when it doesn't exist):

$ ack-ram-tool rrsa associate-role --create-role-if-not-exist \
    -c <clusterId> -r <roleName> -n <namespace> -s <serviceAccount>

? Are you sure you want to associate RAM Role test-rrsa to service account test-serviceaccount (namespace: test-namespace)? Yes
Will change the assumeRolePolicyDocument of RAM Role test-rrsa with blow content:
  "Statement": [
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
     "RAM": [
    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
    "Condition": {
     "StringEquals": {
      "oidc:aud": "sts.aliyuncs.com",
      "oidc:iss": "https://oidc-ack-**/c86fdd***",
      "oidc:sub": "system:serviceaccount:test-namespace:test-serviceaccount"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
     "Federated": [
  "Version": "1"
? Are you sure you want to associate RAM Role test-rrsa to service account test-serviceaccount (namespace: test-namespace)? Yes
Associate RAM Role test-rrsa to service account test-serviceaccount (namespace: test-namespace) successfully

Testing assume role with give OIDC token:

$ ack-ram-tool rrsa assume-role -r <roleArn> -p <oidcProviderArn> -t <oidcTokenFile>

Retrieved a STS token:
AccessKeyId:       STS.***
AccessKeySecret:   7UVy***
SecurityToken:     CAIS***
Expiration:        2021-12-03T05:51:37Z

The setup-addon command allows you to quickly configure the RAM-related configuration required for the cluster components to use the RRSA feature. For example, configure the RAM configuration required for the kritis-validation-hook component (needs to be configured before installing the component):

ack-ram-tool rrsa setup-addon --addon-name kritis-validation-hook -c <clusterId>

Disable RRSA feature:

$ ack-ram-tool rrsa disable -c <clusterId>

? Are you sure you want to disable RRSA feature? Yes
Disable RRSA feature for cluster c86fdd*** successfully