
🙏 Make every GSAP Tween a promise. tl.then(doSomething) (GSAP 1 and 2)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Make every GSAP Tween a promise

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Good news! GSAP 3 supports promises natively! This module is only necessary for GSAP v1 and v2.

Once loaded, every GSAP tween (TweenLite, TimelineLite, TweenMax, TimelineMax) will automatically be a promise. See the usage examples to see what this enables.


npm install --save gsap-then
import 'gsap';
import 'gsap-then';

Or include the file dist/gsap-then.browser.js after loading GreenSock.


TweenLite.to('.title', 1, {opacity: 0}).then(function () {
	console.log('Done animating title');
	TweenLite.to('.title', 1, {opacity: 0}),
	loadImage('img.jpg') // https://npm.im/image-promise
]).then(function () {
	console.log('Animation done and image loaded');
var tl = new TimelineLite();
tl.then(function () {
	console.log('Timeline completed:', tl);
tl.to('.title', 1, {opacity: 0});
await TweenLite.to('.title', 1, {opacity: 0});

console.log('Done animating title');


  • Calling .then() generates a new Promise.
  • The generated Promise is resolved the next time GSAP calls onComplete
  • The Promise is only resolved once, so if you restart the animation, nothing new will happen—unless you generate a new Promise.
  • If the tween already has an onComplete callback, it will be replaced by the Promise, but it will still work.
  • Don't remove or set a new onComplete callback after calling .then() because this will override the Promise (i.e. it will never be resolved)


  • Load gsap or simply TweenLite before gsap-then.
  • window.Promise is available in Edge 12+ and all the other browsers.


  • GSAP: GreenSock Animation Platform, duh!


MIT © Federico Brigante

gsap-then is NOT affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by GreenSock, Inc.