Detects where the current browser extension code is being run. Chrome and Firefox.
You can download the standalone bundle and include it in your manifest.json
Or use npm
npm install webext-detect-page
// This module is only offered as a ES Module
import {
} from 'webext-detect-page';
import {isBackgroundPage} from 'webext-detect-page';
if (isBackgroundPage()) {
// Run background code, e.g.
} else if (isContentScript()) {
// Run content script code, e.g.
The functions are only ever evaluated once. This protects from future "invalidated context" errors. Read the note about testing if you're running this code in a tester.
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run on http(s)://
pages (it could be in a content script or regular web context).
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in extension contexts that have access to the chrome API.
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in a background page or background worker.
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in a background page (manifest v2).
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in a background worker (manifest v3).
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in a content script.
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in an options page. This only works if the current page’s URL matches the one specified in the extension's manifest.json
Returns a boolean
that indicates whether the code is being run in a dev tools page. This only works if the current page’s URL matches the one specified in the extension's manifest.json
Returns a boolean
if it matches the current browser. They are loose detections based on the user agent that are useful when developing Web Extensions.
Returns the first matching context among those defined in index.ts
, depending on the current context:
- 'contentScript'
- 'background'
- 'options'
- 'devToolsPage'
- 'extension'
- 'web'
- 'unknown'
The calls are automatically cached so, if you're using this in a test environment, import and call this function first to ensure that the environment is "detected" every time:
import {disableWebextDetectPageCache} from 'webext-detect-page';
- webext-options-sync - Helps you manage and autosave your extension's options.
- webext-storage-cache - Map-like promised cache storage with expiration.
- webext-domain-permission-toggle - Browser-action context menu to request permission for the current tab.
- webext-dynamic-content-scripts - Automatically inject your
on custom domains. - webext-content-script-ping - One-file interface to detect whether your content script have loaded.
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