JuleKalenderLoader 2018

Simple loader that will load all solutions located in a given package X that imlements the interface Solution.


External libraries

The following is a list of dependencies required by different parts of the loader or solutions.


Solution 9
  • gson-2.8.5.jar

Logging Dependencies

  • logback-core-1.2.3.jar
  • logback-classic-1.2.3.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar


The loader will run all solutions in parallell.


The loader utilises 2 arrays to decide the constructor to use.

  • constructorParameters - The constructor parameter array
  • constructorInputs - The inputs for the constructor that is defined by constructorParameters

note: there should only ever be one constructor pr solution.


The logging system is configured using the file logback.xml. The current setup will create one file for each implemented solution, so you can check the logfile for the solution you want.


  • Load the project into IntelliJ or your IDE of choice
  • Add the libraries described above to the classpath.
  • Create a run configuration and see the solutions being run.