

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Getting started

How to Build

The generated code uses the Newtonsoft Json.NET NuGet Package. If the automatic NuGet package restore is enabled, these dependencies will be installed automatically. Therefore, you will need internet access for build.

"This library requires Visual Studio 2017 for compilation."

  1. Open the solution (LoopBackApplication.sln) file.
  2. Invoke the build process using Ctrl+Shift+B shortcut key or using the Build menu as shown below.

Building SDK using Visual Studio

How to Use

The build process generates a portable class library, which can be used like a normal class library. The generated library is compatible with Windows Forms, Windows RT, Windows Phone 8, Silverlight 5, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android and Mono. More information on how to use can be found at the MSDN Portable Class Libraries documentation.

The following section explains how to use the LoopBackApplication library in a new console project.

1. Starting a new project

For starting a new project, right click on the current solution from the solution explorer and choose Add -> New Project.

Add a new project in the existing solution using Visual Studio

Next, choose "Console Application", provide a TestConsoleProject as the project name and click OK.

Create a new console project using Visual Studio

2. Set as startup project

The new console project is the entry point for the eventual execution. This requires us to set the TestConsoleProject as the start-up project. To do this, right-click on the TestConsoleProject and choose Set as StartUp Project form the context menu.

Set the new cosole project as the start up project

3. Add reference of the library project

In order to use the LoopBackApplication library in the new project, first we must add a projet reference to the TestConsoleProject. First, right click on the References node in the solution explorer and click Add Reference....

Open references of the TestConsoleProject

Next, a window will be displayed where we must set the checkbox on LoopBackApplication.Standard and click OK. By doing this, we have added a reference of the LoopBackApplication.Standard project into the new TestConsoleProject.

Add a reference to the TestConsoleProject

4. Write sample code

Once the TestConsoleProject is created, a file named Program.cs will be visible in the solution explorer with an empty Main method. This is the entry point for the execution of the entire solution. Here, you can add code to initialize the client library and acquire the instance of a Controller class. Sample code to initialize the client library and using controller methods is given in the subsequent sections.

Add a reference to the TestConsoleProject

How to Test

The generated SDK also contain one or more Tests, which are contained in the Tests project. In order to invoke these test cases, you will need NUnit 3.0 Test Adapter Extension for Visual Studio. Once the SDK is complied, the test cases should appear in the Test Explorer window. Here, you can click Run All to execute these test cases.


API client can be initialized as following.

LoopBackApplicationClient client = new LoopBackApplicationClient();

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: SystemController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SystemController class can be accessed from the API Client.

SystemController system = client.System;

Method: GetSystemPing

Tags: Skips Authentication

Test the connection to the business network

Task<Models.PingResponse> GetSystemPing()

Example Usage

Models.PingResponse result = await system.GetSystemPing();

Method: GetSystemGetAllIdentities

Tags: Skips Authentication

Get all identities from the identity registry

Task<dynamic> GetSystemGetAllIdentities()

Example Usage

dynamic result = await system.GetSystemGetAllIdentities();

Method: GetSystemGetIdentityByID

Tags: Skips Authentication

Get the specified identity from the identity registry

Task<dynamic> GetSystemGetIdentityByID(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await system.GetSystemGetIdentityByID(id);

Method: CreateSystemIssueIdentity

Tags: Skips Authentication

Issue an identity to the specified participant

Task<Stream> CreateSystemIssueIdentity(Models.IssueIdentityRequest data)


Parameter Tags Description
data Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

var data = new Models.IssueIdentityRequest();

Stream result = await system.CreateSystemIssueIdentity(data);

Method: CreateSystemBindIdentity

Tags: Skips Authentication

Bind an identity to the specified participant

Task CreateSystemBindIdentity(Models.BindIdentityRequest data)


Parameter Tags Description
data Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

var data = new Models.BindIdentityRequest();

await system.CreateSystemBindIdentity(data);

Method: CreateSystemRevokeIdentity

Tags: Skips Authentication

Revoke the specified identity

Task CreateSystemRevokeIdentity(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

string id = "id";

await system.CreateSystemRevokeIdentity(id);

Method: GetSystemGetAllHistorianRecords

Tags: Skips Authentication

Get all Historian Records from the Historian

Task<dynamic> GetSystemGetAllHistorianRecords()

Example Usage

dynamic result = await system.GetSystemGetAllHistorianRecords();

Method: GetSystemGetHistorianRecordByID

Tags: Skips Authentication

Get the specified Historian Record from the Historian

Task<dynamic> GetSystemGetHistorianRecordByID(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await system.GetSystemGetHistorianRecordByID(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DriverController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DriverController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DriverController driver = client.Driver;

Method: GetDriverFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Driver>> GetDriverFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Driver> result = await driver.GetDriverFind(filter);

Method: CreateDriverCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Driver> CreateDriverCreate(Models.Driver data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Driver();

Models.Driver result = await driver.CreateDriverCreate(data);

Method: GetDriverFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Driver> GetDriverFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Driver result = await driver.GetDriverFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateDriverReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Driver> UpdateDriverReplaceById(string id, Models.Driver data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Driver();

Models.Driver result = await driver.UpdateDriverReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteDriverDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteDriverDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await driver.DeleteDriverDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ShipperController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ShipperController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ShipperController shipper = client.Shipper;

Method: GetShipperFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Shipper>> GetShipperFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Shipper> result = await shipper.GetShipperFind(filter);

Method: CreateShipperCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Shipper> CreateShipperCreate(Models.Shipper data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Shipper();

Models.Shipper result = await shipper.CreateShipperCreate(data);

Method: GetShipperFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Shipper> GetShipperFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Shipper result = await shipper.GetShipperFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateShipperReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Shipper> UpdateShipperReplaceById(string id, Models.Shipper data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Shipper();

Models.Shipper result = await shipper.UpdateShipperReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteShipperDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteShipperDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await shipper.DeleteShipperDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: CarrierController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the CarrierController class can be accessed from the API Client.

CarrierController carrier = client.Carrier;

Method: GetCarrierFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Carrier>> GetCarrierFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Carrier> result = await carrier.GetCarrierFind(filter);

Method: CreateCarrierCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Carrier> CreateCarrierCreate(Models.Carrier data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Carrier();

Models.Carrier result = await carrier.CreateCarrierCreate(data);

Method: GetCarrierFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Carrier> GetCarrierFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Carrier result = await carrier.GetCarrierFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateCarrierReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Carrier> UpdateCarrierReplaceById(string id, Models.Carrier data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Carrier();

Models.Carrier result = await carrier.UpdateCarrierReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteCarrierDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteCarrierDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await carrier.DeleteCarrierDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ReceiverController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ReceiverController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ReceiverController receiver = client.Receiver;

Method: GetReceiverFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Receiver>> GetReceiverFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Receiver> result = await receiver.GetReceiverFind(filter);

Method: CreateReceiverCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Receiver> CreateReceiverCreate(Models.Receiver data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Receiver();

Models.Receiver result = await receiver.CreateReceiverCreate(data);

Method: GetReceiverFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Receiver> GetReceiverFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Receiver result = await receiver.GetReceiverFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateReceiverReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Receiver> UpdateReceiverReplaceById(string id, Models.Receiver data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Receiver();

Models.Receiver result = await receiver.UpdateReceiverReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteReceiverDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteReceiverDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await receiver.DeleteReceiverDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DriverPassportController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DriverPassportController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DriverPassportController driverPassport = client.DriverPassport;

Method: GetDriverPassportFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.DriverPassport>> GetDriverPassportFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.DriverPassport> result = await driverPassport.GetDriverPassportFind(filter);

Method: CreateDriverPassportCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DriverPassport> CreateDriverPassportCreate(Models.DriverPassport data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.DriverPassport();

Models.DriverPassport result = await driverPassport.CreateDriverPassportCreate(data);

Method: GetDriverPassportFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.DriverPassport> GetDriverPassportFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.DriverPassport result = await driverPassport.GetDriverPassportFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateDriverPassportReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DriverPassport> UpdateDriverPassportReplaceById(string id, Models.DriverPassport data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.DriverPassport();

Models.DriverPassport result = await driverPassport.UpdateDriverPassportReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteDriverPassportDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteDriverPassportDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await driverPassport.DeleteDriverPassportDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: AddDriverController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AddDriverController class can be accessed from the API Client.

AddDriverController addDriver = client.AddDriver;

Method: GetAddDriverFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.AddDriver>> GetAddDriverFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.AddDriver> result = await addDriver.GetAddDriverFind(filter);

Method: AddDriverCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.AddDriver> AddDriverCreate(Models.AddDriver data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.AddDriver();

Models.AddDriver result = await addDriver.AddDriverCreate(data);

Method: GetAddDriverFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.AddDriver> GetAddDriverFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.AddDriver result = await addDriver.GetAddDriverFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: CreateDriverPassportController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the CreateDriverPassportController class can be accessed from the API Client.

CreateDriverPassportController createDriverPassport = client.CreateDriverPassport;

Method: GetCreateDriverPassportFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.CreateDriverPassport>> GetCreateDriverPassportFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.CreateDriverPassport> result = await createDriverPassport.GetCreateDriverPassportFind(filter);

Method: CreateDriverPassportCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.CreateDriverPassport> CreateDriverPassportCreate(Models.CreateDriverPassport data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.CreateDriverPassport();

Models.CreateDriverPassport result = await createDriverPassport.CreateDriverPassportCreate(data);

Method: GetCreateDriverPassportFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.CreateDriverPassport> GetCreateDriverPassportFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.CreateDriverPassport result = await createDriverPassport.GetCreateDriverPassportFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: UpdateDriverPassportController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the UpdateDriverPassportController class can be accessed from the API Client.

UpdateDriverPassportController updateDriverPassport = client.UpdateDriverPassport;

Method: GetUpdateDriverPassportFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.UpdateDriverPassport>> GetUpdateDriverPassportFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.UpdateDriverPassport> result = await updateDriverPassport.GetUpdateDriverPassportFind(filter);

Method: UpdateDriverPassportCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.UpdateDriverPassport> UpdateDriverPassportCreate(Models.UpdateDriverPassport data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.UpdateDriverPassport();

Models.UpdateDriverPassport result = await updateDriverPassport.UpdateDriverPassportCreate(data);

Method: GetUpdateDriverPassportFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.UpdateDriverPassport> GetUpdateDriverPassportFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.UpdateDriverPassport result = await updateDriverPassport.GetUpdateDriverPassportFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ChangeDriverCarrierController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ChangeDriverCarrierController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ChangeDriverCarrierController changeDriverCarrier = client.ChangeDriverCarrier;

Method: GetChangeDriverCarrierFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.ChangeDriverCarrier>> GetChangeDriverCarrierFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.ChangeDriverCarrier> result = await changeDriverCarrier.GetChangeDriverCarrierFind(filter);

Method: ChangeDriverCarrierCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.ChangeDriverCarrier> ChangeDriverCarrierCreate(Models.ChangeDriverCarrier data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.ChangeDriverCarrier();

Models.ChangeDriverCarrier result = await changeDriverCarrier.ChangeDriverCarrierCreate(data);

Method: GetChangeDriverCarrierFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.ChangeDriverCarrier> GetChangeDriverCarrierFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.ChangeDriverCarrier result = await changeDriverCarrier.GetChangeDriverCarrierFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: RemoveDriverCarrierController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the RemoveDriverCarrierController class can be accessed from the API Client.

RemoveDriverCarrierController removeDriverCarrier = client.RemoveDriverCarrier;

Method: GetRemoveDriverCarrierFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.RemoveDriverCarrier>> GetRemoveDriverCarrierFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.RemoveDriverCarrier> result = await removeDriverCarrier.GetRemoveDriverCarrierFind(filter);

Method: CreateRemoveDriverCarrierCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.RemoveDriverCarrier> CreateRemoveDriverCarrierCreate(Models.RemoveDriverCarrier data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.RemoveDriverCarrier();

Models.RemoveDriverCarrier result = await removeDriverCarrier.CreateRemoveDriverCarrierCreate(data);

Method: GetRemoveDriverCarrierFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.RemoveDriverCarrier> GetRemoveDriverCarrierFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.RemoveDriverCarrier result = await removeDriverCarrier.GetRemoveDriverCarrierFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DailyLogDefectsReportController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DailyLogDefectsReportController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DailyLogDefectsReportController dailyLogDefectsReport = client.DailyLogDefectsReport;

Method: GetDailyLogDefectsReportFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.DailyLogDefectsReport>> GetDailyLogDefectsReportFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.DailyLogDefectsReport> result = await dailyLogDefectsReport.GetDailyLogDefectsReportFind(filter);

Method: CreateDailyLogDefectsReportCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DailyLogDefectsReport> CreateDailyLogDefectsReportCreate(Models.DailyLogDefectsReport data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.DailyLogDefectsReport();

Models.DailyLogDefectsReport result = await dailyLogDefectsReport.CreateDailyLogDefectsReportCreate(data);

Method: GetDailyLogDefectsReportFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.DailyLogDefectsReport> GetDailyLogDefectsReportFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.DailyLogDefectsReport result = await dailyLogDefectsReport.GetDailyLogDefectsReportFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateDailyLogDefectsReportReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DailyLogDefectsReport> UpdateDailyLogDefectsReportReplaceById(string id, Models.DailyLogDefectsReport data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.DailyLogDefectsReport();

Models.DailyLogDefectsReport result = await dailyLogDefectsReport.UpdateDailyLogDefectsReportReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteDailyLogDefectsReportDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteDailyLogDefectsReportDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await dailyLogDefectsReport.DeleteDailyLogDefectsReportDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DailyLogController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DailyLogController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DailyLogController dailyLog = client.DailyLog;

Method: GetDailyLogFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.DailyLog>> GetDailyLogFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.DailyLog> result = await dailyLog.GetDailyLogFind(filter);

Method: CreateDailyLogCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DailyLog> CreateDailyLogCreate(Models.DailyLog data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.DailyLog();

Models.DailyLog result = await dailyLog.CreateDailyLogCreate(data);

Method: GetDailyLogFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.DailyLog> GetDailyLogFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.DailyLog result = await dailyLog.GetDailyLogFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateDailyLogReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DailyLog> UpdateDailyLogReplaceById(string id, Models.DailyLog data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.DailyLog();

Models.DailyLog result = await dailyLog.UpdateDailyLogReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteDailyLogDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteDailyLogDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await dailyLog.DeleteDailyLogDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DriverDailyLogTickController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DriverDailyLogTickController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DriverDailyLogTickController driverDailyLogTick = client.DriverDailyLogTick;

Method: GetDriverDailyLogTickFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.DriverDailyLogTick>> GetDriverDailyLogTickFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.DriverDailyLogTick> result = await driverDailyLogTick.GetDriverDailyLogTickFind(filter);

Method: CreateDriverDailyLogTickCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DriverDailyLogTick> CreateDriverDailyLogTickCreate(Models.DriverDailyLogTick data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.DriverDailyLogTick();

Models.DriverDailyLogTick result = await driverDailyLogTick.CreateDriverDailyLogTickCreate(data);

Method: GetDriverDailyLogTickFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.DriverDailyLogTick> GetDriverDailyLogTickFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.DriverDailyLogTick result = await driverDailyLogTick.GetDriverDailyLogTickFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateDriverDailyLogTickReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DriverDailyLogTick> UpdateDriverDailyLogTickReplaceById(string id, Models.DriverDailyLogTick data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.DriverDailyLogTick();

Models.DriverDailyLogTick result = await driverDailyLogTick.UpdateDriverDailyLogTickReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteDriverDailyLogTickDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteDriverDailyLogTickDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await driverDailyLogTick.DeleteDriverDailyLogTickDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: BillOfLadingController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the BillOfLadingController class can be accessed from the API Client.

BillOfLadingController billOfLading = client.BillOfLading;

Method: GetBillOfLadingFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.BillOfLading>> GetBillOfLadingFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.BillOfLading> result = await billOfLading.GetBillOfLadingFind(filter);

Method: CreateBillOfLadingCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.BillOfLading> CreateBillOfLadingCreate(Models.BillOfLading data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.BillOfLading();

Models.BillOfLading result = await billOfLading.CreateBillOfLadingCreate(data);

Method: GetBillOfLadingFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.BillOfLading> GetBillOfLadingFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.BillOfLading result = await billOfLading.GetBillOfLadingFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateBillOfLadingReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.BillOfLading> UpdateBillOfLadingReplaceById(string id, Models.BillOfLading data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.BillOfLading();

Models.BillOfLading result = await billOfLading.UpdateBillOfLadingReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteBillOfLadingDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteBillOfLadingDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await billOfLading.DeleteBillOfLadingDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DetentionController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DetentionController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DetentionController detention = client.Detention;

Method: GetDetentionFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Detention>> GetDetentionFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Detention> result = await detention.GetDetentionFind(filter);

Method: CreateDetentionCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Detention> CreateDetentionCreate(Models.Detention data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Detention();

Models.Detention result = await detention.CreateDetentionCreate(data);

Method: GetDetentionFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Detention> GetDetentionFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Detention result = await detention.GetDetentionFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateDetentionReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Detention> UpdateDetentionReplaceById(string id, Models.Detention data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Detention();

Models.Detention result = await detention.UpdateDetentionReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteDetentionDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteDetentionDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await detention.DeleteDetentionDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: QuoteController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the QuoteController class can be accessed from the API Client.

QuoteController quote = client.Quote;

Method: GetQuoteFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Quote>> GetQuoteFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Quote> result = await quote.GetQuoteFind(filter);

Method: CreateQuoteCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Quote> CreateQuoteCreate(Models.Quote data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Quote();

Models.Quote result = await quote.CreateQuoteCreate(data);

Method: GetQuoteFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Quote> GetQuoteFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Quote result = await quote.GetQuoteFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateQuoteReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Quote> UpdateQuoteReplaceById(string id, Models.Quote data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Quote();

Models.Quote result = await quote.UpdateQuoteReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteQuoteDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteQuoteDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await quote.DeleteQuoteDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: LoadController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the LoadController class can be accessed from the API Client.

LoadController load = client.Load;

Method: LoadFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.Load>> LoadFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.Load> result = await load.LoadFind(filter);

Method: CreateLoadCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Load> CreateLoadCreate(Models.Load data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.Load();

Models.Load result = await load.CreateLoadCreate(data);

Method: LoadFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.Load> LoadFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.Load result = await load.LoadFindById(id, filter);

Method: UpdateLoadReplaceById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.Load> UpdateLoadReplaceById(string id, Models.Load data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

string id = "id";
var data = new Models.Load();

Models.Load result = await load.UpdateLoadReplaceById(id, data);

Method: DeleteLoadDeleteById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Delete a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<dynamic> DeleteLoadDeleteById(string id)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id

Example Usage

string id = "id";

dynamic result = await load.DeleteLoadDeleteById(id);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: AssignDriverToLoadController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AssignDriverToLoadController class can be accessed from the API Client.

AssignDriverToLoadController assignDriverToLoad = client.AssignDriverToLoad;

Method: GetAssignDriverToLoadFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.AssignDriverToLoad>> GetAssignDriverToLoadFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.AssignDriverToLoad> result = await assignDriverToLoad.GetAssignDriverToLoadFind(filter);

Method: CreateAssignDriverToLoadCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.AssignDriverToLoad> CreateAssignDriverToLoadCreate(Models.AssignDriverToLoad data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.AssignDriverToLoad();

Models.AssignDriverToLoad result = await assignDriverToLoad.CreateAssignDriverToLoadCreate(data);

Method: GetAssignDriverToLoadFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.AssignDriverToLoad> GetAssignDriverToLoadFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.AssignDriverToLoad result = await assignDriverToLoad.GetAssignDriverToLoadFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: OriginArrivalController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the OriginArrivalController class can be accessed from the API Client.

OriginArrivalController originArrival = client.OriginArrival;

Method: GetOriginArrivalFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.OriginArrival>> GetOriginArrivalFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.OriginArrival> result = await originArrival.GetOriginArrivalFind(filter);

Method: CreateOriginArrivalCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.OriginArrival> CreateOriginArrivalCreate(Models.OriginArrival data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.OriginArrival();

Models.OriginArrival result = await originArrival.CreateOriginArrivalCreate(data);

Method: GetOriginArrivalFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.OriginArrival> GetOriginArrivalFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.OriginArrival result = await originArrival.GetOriginArrivalFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: LoadPickupController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the LoadPickupController class can be accessed from the API Client.

LoadPickupController loadPickup = client.LoadPickup;

Method: LoadPickupFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.LoadPickup>> LoadPickupFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.LoadPickup> result = await loadPickup.LoadPickupFind(filter);

Method: CreateLoadPickupCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.LoadPickup> CreateLoadPickupCreate(Models.LoadPickup data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.LoadPickup();

Models.LoadPickup result = await loadPickup.CreateLoadPickupCreate(data);

Method: LoadPickupFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.LoadPickup> LoadPickupFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.LoadPickup result = await loadPickup.LoadPickupFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: DestinationArrivalController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the DestinationArrivalController class can be accessed from the API Client.

DestinationArrivalController destinationArrival = client.DestinationArrival;

Method: GetDestinationArrivalFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.DestinationArrival>> GetDestinationArrivalFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.DestinationArrival> result = await destinationArrival.GetDestinationArrivalFind(filter);

Method: CreateDestinationArrivalCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.DestinationArrival> CreateDestinationArrivalCreate(Models.DestinationArrival data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.DestinationArrival();

Models.DestinationArrival result = await destinationArrival.CreateDestinationArrivalCreate(data);

Method: GetDestinationArrivalFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.DestinationArrival> GetDestinationArrivalFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.DestinationArrival result = await destinationArrival.GetDestinationArrivalFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: LoadDropOffController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the LoadDropOffController class can be accessed from the API Client.

LoadDropOffController loadDropOff = client.LoadDropOff;

Method: LoadDropOffFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.LoadDropOff>> LoadDropOffFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.LoadDropOff> result = await loadDropOff.LoadDropOffFind(filter);

Method: CreateLoadDropOffCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.LoadDropOff> CreateLoadDropOffCreate(Models.LoadDropOff data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.LoadDropOff();

Models.LoadDropOff result = await loadDropOff.CreateLoadDropOffCreate(data);

Method: LoadDropOffFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.LoadDropOff> LoadDropOffFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.LoadDropOff result = await loadDropOff.LoadDropOffFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ListLoadController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ListLoadController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ListLoadController listLoad = client.ListLoad;

Method: ListLoadFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.ListLoad>> ListLoadFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.ListLoad> result = await listLoad.ListLoadFind(filter);

Method: CreateListLoadCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.ListLoad> CreateListLoadCreate(Models.ListLoad data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.ListLoad();

Models.ListLoad result = await listLoad.CreateListLoadCreate(data);

Method: ListLoadFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.ListLoad> ListLoadFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.ListLoad result = await listLoad.ListLoadFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: SubmitQuoteController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SubmitQuoteController class can be accessed from the API Client.

SubmitQuoteController submitQuote = client.SubmitQuote;

Method: GetSubmitQuoteFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.SubmitQuote>> GetSubmitQuoteFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.SubmitQuote> result = await submitQuote.GetSubmitQuoteFind(filter);

Method: CreateSubmitQuoteCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.SubmitQuote> CreateSubmitQuoteCreate(Models.SubmitQuote data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.SubmitQuote();

Models.SubmitQuote result = await submitQuote.CreateSubmitQuoteCreate(data);

Method: GetSubmitQuoteFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.SubmitQuote> GetSubmitQuoteFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.SubmitQuote result = await submitQuote.GetSubmitQuoteFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers

Class: AcceptQuoteController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AcceptQuoteController class can be accessed from the API Client.

AcceptQuoteController acceptQuote = client.AcceptQuote;

Method: GetAcceptQuoteFind

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source.

Task<List<Models.AcceptQuote>> GetAcceptQuoteFind(string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Optional Filter defining fields, where, include, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string filter = "filter";

List<Models.AcceptQuote> result = await acceptQuote.GetAcceptQuoteFind(filter);

Method: CreateAcceptQuoteCreate

Tags: Skips Authentication

Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source.

Task<Models.AcceptQuote> CreateAcceptQuoteCreate(Models.AcceptQuote data = null)


Parameter Tags Description
data Optional Model instance data

Example Usage

var data = new Models.AcceptQuote();

Models.AcceptQuote result = await acceptQuote.CreateAcceptQuoteCreate(data);

Method: GetAcceptQuoteFindById

Tags: Skips Authentication

Find a model instance by {{id}} from the data source.

Task<Models.AcceptQuote> GetAcceptQuoteFindById(string id, string filter = null)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Model id
filter Optional Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})

Example Usage

string id = "id";
string filter = "filter";

Models.AcceptQuote result = await acceptQuote.GetAcceptQuoteFindById(id, filter);

Back to List of Controllers