
Markdown to json has yaml support and converts your markdown files to json so you can use them as a static api.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

markdown-json npm Standard - JavaScript Style Guide Publish packages

Markdown to json has yaml support and converts your markdown files to json so you can use them as a static api.


npm install markdown-json

Command line usage:

markdown-json [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -c, --config [STRING]              settings file (Default is ./settings.json)
  -D, --display BOOLEAN              enable display mode
  -d, --dist [STRING]                output file directory (Default is ./dist/output.json)
  -i, --ignore STRING                ignore file pattern
  -o, --deterministicOrder BOOLEAN   enable deterministic output ordering
  -p, --filePattern [STRING]         file(s) directory (Default is **/*.md)
  -P, --port [NUMBER]                server port (Default is 3001)
  -S, --server BOOLEAN               enable server
  -s, --src [STRING]                 file(s) directory (Default is ./)
  -w, --cwd [STRING]                 work directory (Default is ./)
  -h, --help                         display help and usage details

Require module usage:

const markdownJson = require('markdown-json');

markdownJson(<settingsObj>) // => returns a Promise

Usage Example:

Settings example

Use a object with all settings or save as a json file

  "name": "markdown-json",
  "cwd": "./",
  "src": "example/content/",
  "filePattern": "**/*.md",
  "ignore": "*(icon|input)*",
  "dist": "example/output.json",
  "metadata": true,
  "server": true,
  "port": 3001,
  "deterministicOrder": false

Call through command line example:

markdown-json -c ~/app/my-app-settings.json

Call through require module example:

const markdownJson = require('markdown-json');
const settings = {
        name: 'markdown-json',
      	cwd: './',
      	src: 'example/content/',
        filePattern: '**/*.md',
        ignore: "*(icon|input)*",
        dist: 'example/output.json',
        metadata: true,
        server: false,
        port: 3001,
        deterministicOrder: false

markdownJson(settings).then((data) => {
  console.log('data:', data);
}).catch((err) => {
  console.log('error:', err);

Files input

File example 1

section: Elements
title: icons
- icons
- base

# Icons

Our icons list still is empty :(

File example 2

section: Elements
title: buttons
- desktop
- mobile
- https://lalao.com/styles/structure.min.css
- https://lalao.com/styles/app.min.css

Follow some application examples of buttons


## Base

Base button layout sample:

<button type="button" class="buy-button btn btn-success">
  <span class="icon"></span>
  <span class="text">Button</span>

.btn-primary {
  @include states(#1A75CE, #086B9C);

<button type="button" class="buy-button btn btn-success">
  <span class="icon"></span>
  <span class="text">Button</span>


  "app": {
    "config": "./settings.json",
    "cwd": "./",
    "src": "example/content/",
    "filePattern": "**/*.md",
    "dist": "example/output.json",
    "name": "markdown-json",
    "version": "0.0.1"
  "data": [
      "section": "Elements",
      "title": "buttons",
      "device": [
      "styles": [
      "contents": "<p>Follow some application examples of buttons</p>\n<h1 id=\"types\">Types</h1>\n<h3 id=\"base\">Base</h3>\n<p>Base button layout sample:</p>\n<button type=\"button\" class=\"buy-button btn btn-success\">\n  <span class=\"icon\"></span>\n  <span class=\"text\">Button</span>\n</button>\n\n<pre><code class=\"lang-scss\">.btn-primary {\n  @include states(#1A75CE, #086B9C);\n}\n</code></pre>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-html\">&lt;button type=&quot;button&quot; class=&quot;buy-button btn btn-success&quot;&gt;\n  &lt;span class=&quot;icon&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;\n  &lt;span class=&quot;text&quot;&gt;Button&lt;/span&gt;\n&lt;/button&gt;\n</code></pre>\n",
      "excerpt": "<p>Follow some application examples of buttons</p>",
      "id": "buttons",
      "meta": {
        "relativePath": "content/buttons.html",
        "createdAt": "2020-10-08T16:05:30.415Z",
        "lastModified": "2020-10-08T16:05:14.452Z",
        "size": 2095,
        "formattedSize": "2.0 KB"
      "section": "Elements",
      "title": "icons",
      "tags": [
      "contents": "<h1 id=\"icons\">Icons</h1>\n<p>Our icons list still is empty :(</p>\n",
      "excerpt": "<p>Our icons list still is empty :(</p>",
      "id": "icons",
      "meta": {
        "relativePath": "content/globals/js-utils.html",
        "createdAt": "2019-08-27T18:01:33.747Z",
        "lastModified": "2019-08-27T18:01:33.747Z",
        "size": 331,
        "formattedSize": "331 Bytes"


  • Node api with promises
  • Unit tests
  • Run with http server
  • Add file metadata