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MediaMonkey Server

upnpserver icon

MediaMonkey Server is a cross-platform media server written in Node.js.

It is built upon a fork of upnpserver


You can find pre-compiled binaries for various platforms at https://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=90809. Use these if you want to avoid Node.js installation and other steps below.

Installation from source


  • Node.js >10.x and Node Package Manager (npm)
  • Build tools. They are needed only in case better-sqlite3 binary isn't available for your configuration (os and node version), which normally shouldn't happen. The installation needs might differ by platform:
    • The latest Node.js installer on Windows should take care of all that's needed (Enable "Automatically install the necessary tools").
    • For Linux bases platforms build-essential and python3 should be installed, i.e. something like sudo apt install build-essential python3 should be enough.


  1. To download, either:

  2. Run installation script $ npm install


$ npm start
Server will start on port 10222

Running as a Service with Systemd

Below is a systemd script that can be created and placed in /etc/systemd/system/mediamonkeyserver.service so that the server can be run on system startup. Make sure you change your paths/variables for your system.


#Path for Node and your individual server location may be different, change paths appropriately
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/username/programs/mms/server.js

# Required on some systems
# Restart service after 10 seconds if node service crashes
# Output to syslog

#Change user and group names as necessary


Finish the setup with the following steps:

  • Enable the service
systemctl --now enable mediamonkeyserver.service
  • Verify its status
systemctl status mediamonkeyserver.service

If all went well your service should be running.

  • Configuration changes

If you make any changes to this file, you'll need to reload the daemon with this command:

systemctl daemon-reload

and then restart the service with:

systemctl restart mediamonkeyserver.service


For testing purposes used mocha framework. To run tests, you should do this:

make test


There are some known issues.

  1. "Error: Could not locate the bindings file.": If you get an error saying that a module could not locate the bindings file, chances are there was an issue with node-gyp when the module was being installed. This has occurred a few times to the windows-trayicon module. If you have node-gyp and all its build dependencies installed, try running npm install windows-trayicon again. It will rebuild and it should work.


