
A Javascript frontend for solid modeling that compiles OpenSCAD.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

scad-js SCAD-JS

scad-js transpile your Javascript to OpenSCAD letting you create programmatic 3d solid models with the familiar javascript syntax.

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OpenSCAD is an amazing software for creating solid 3D CAD objects, but modeling with the OpenSCAD language can be really cumbersome and limited.

scad-js overcomes these limitations with the power of Javascript.

Getting started

First make sure you have OpenSCAD installed on your system, we will use it to visualize the model.

clone scad-js-starter:

git clone https://github.com/20lives/scad-js-starter.git my-scad-js-project
cd my-scad-js-project

install dependencies and run develpment script:

yarn # or npm install
yarn dev # or npm run dev

Now open index.js in your favourite text editor and start tinkering.


For detailed documentation on how to use scad-js visit scad-js-docs, you can also look at the official OpenSCAD Documentation page.


A good way for learning scad-js and OpenSCAD is throught examples: examples


This project was inspired by many other projects: farrellm/scad-clj, OpenJSCAD.org, tasn/scadjs and more... And of course it would not even exist without OpenSCAD itself.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.