Sushiswap NodeJs Scripts

This repository contains nodejs/ethers scripts to execute Sushiswap smart contracts tasks.

For more information about Sushiswap smart contracts and their addresses in each network take a look at the protocol page:

To access the smart contracts used by this repository:

How to use this repository

Install the project dependencies:

$ npm install

Update JSON wallet file with your JSON generated wallet file in ./account.json file and save your password.

Create .env file and set the RPC URL of Ethereum/Polygon provider in NETWORK_RPC_URL and put the password of your JSON generated wallet file in ACCOUNT_PASSWORD.

For example:


You can see all avaiable .env variables used for execute the scripts at .env.example file.

Scripts Avaiable

Before execute these scripts do not forget to add funds for your wallet.

  • Create Sushiswap Pair
  • Add Liquidity to Pair
  • Deploy Sushi Token and MiniChefV2 smart contracts
  • Add Staking Pool to MiniChefV2
  • Deposit LP Token to MiniChefV2 Pool
  • Withdraw LP Token and Rewards from MiniChefV2 Pool
  • Update MiniChefV2 Pool
  • Get MiniChefV2 Pool and User Info
  • Deploy and Mint ERC20 tokens

Sushiswap Liquidity Pool and Swap

Create Pair

This script create a Liquidity Pool of two ERC20 (token A and token B) executing createPair() function in SushiV2Factory smart contract. You can access the full code here

To create a pair of Liquidity Pool ERC20 tokens you need to add these variables to .env:

SUSHI_FACTORY_ADDRESS=//address of the SushiV2Factory at choose network
TOKEN_A_ADDRESS=//address of ERC20 token A
TOKEN_B_ADDRESS=//address of ERC20 token B

And run:

$ npm run create-pair

The hash of Create Pair transaction will be show in the output:

[create-pair] start
[create-pair] 0x6F9b800B5DD3d4e348776059Bb7Af850d316bDd5 X 0x3E0071C248EfC3112B0E979449D19603074FAc08 pair created tx: 0x0ccac77dfc5bc6a6ef1c23296e682c6c490908e709aa85e6e67aec47212014b1
[create-pair] done

Add Liquidity

This script add liquidity to Pool of two ERC20 (token A and token B) executing addLiquidity() function in SushiSwapRouter smart contract. You can access the full code here

To Add Liquidity to Pool of ERC20 tokens you need to add these variables to .env:

SUSHI_SWAP_ADDRESS=//address of the SushiSwapRouter at choose network
TOKEN_A_ADDRESS=//address of ERC20 token A
TOKEN_B_ADDRESS=//address of ERC20 token B
ADD_LIQUIDITY_DEADLINE=//timestamp of deadline of liquidity supply in seconds

And then run:

$ npm run add-liquidity

The hash of Add Liquidity transaction will be show in the output:

[add-liquidity] start
[add-liquidity] sushiswap spend token A approved
[add-liquidity] sushiswap spend token B approved
[add-liquidity] 0x6974a18d99BaDB190b73d3D8D1B7Dd955b718E7A X 0x3BC2e8BF8813d3ddA37C8774CFd9EC4e4878DAe5 add liquidity tx:  0xec58dc9f5b6841d78e692d172524a548b747dc7ee68ff8adb9ade58cd9628a13
[add-liquidity] done

Sushiswap Staking and Reward

Deploy Sushi Token and MiniChefV2

This script deploy SushiToken ERC20, MiniChefV2 staking smart contract, mint Sushi tokens to MiniChefV2, transfer SushiToken ownership to MiniChefV2 and set SushiToken to be distributed per second. Access the source code of SushiToken and MiniChefV2

To deploy MiniChefV2 you need to add this variable to .env:

MINICHEF_SUSHI_PER_SECOND=//amount of Sushi to be distributed per second
MINICHEF_SUSHI_AMOUNT_TO_MINT=//amount of Sushi to be minted to MinichefV2 contract

And execute this script:

$ npm run deploy-minichef

The addresses of both smart contracts will be show in the output:

[deploy-minichef] start
[deploy-minichef] Sushi ERC20 token contract deployed address:  0xBf1FC7A09e585c9162B2573CCeA70aAba5257518
[deploy-minichef] MinichefV2 contract deployed address:  0x78E2425090db8C673c9cc691C5aB4975E569b02d
[deploy-minichef] Sushi ERC20 token minted to MinichefV2 tx: 0x6e095c953a79343add86d9459db926948e9bb0a8f047a223d5f015b81287c1f3
[deploy-minichef] Sushi ERC20 token ownership transfered tx: 0xc15221e0fe5fb52d947805ab4395f657c965da97b1a328d54f65b34ba200f9a6
[deploy-minichef] MinichefV2 set sushi per second tx: 0xf77d731f35f3ca712bf05231ee45990aefff41a89f24c1f4c052277d7eab4f07
[deploy-minichef] done

Add Staking Pool to MiniChefV2

This script deploy MockRewarder, mint reward tokens to MockRewarder and add new Pool to MiniChefV2 smart contract. You can access the source code of MockRewarder

To Add Liquidity to Pool you need to add these variables to .env:

MINICHEF_ADDRESS=//address of the MiniChefV2 at choose network
LP_TOKEN_ADDRESS=//address of ERC20 to be staked
REWARDER_TOKEN_ADDRESS=//address of ERC20 to be rewarded
REWARDER_MULTIPLIER=//number used in reward calculation(see full contract)
REWARDER_AMOUNT_TO_MINT=//amount of tokens to be minted to reward contract
LP_ALOC_POINT=//amount of reward to distribute per block

And then run:

$ npm run add-pool

The hash of Add Pool transaction will be show in the output:

[add-pool] start
[add-pool] Rewarder contract deployed address:  0xC16501A60Dfd9a1CCBbd5217FcBE19eb3d8c5d49
[add-pool] 1000000000000000000 reward tokens minted to rewarder contract
[add-pool] create 0x82BD62C451a76cd7dD1Dd609b9db8826E69c73FF token pool 0 tx:  0x872740fc507a1d99d5e383be18e5b99541076efc2ff82c8e925088dc2b91df11
[add-pool] done

Deposit LP Token to MiniChefV2 Pool

This script executes deposit() function in MiniChefV2 smart contract, which deposit LP tokens to MiniChefV2 smart contract pool. You can access the source code of MiniChefV2

To deposit Liquidity Token to Pool you need to set these variables to .env:

MINICHEF_ADDRESS=//address of the MiniChefV2 at choose network
DEPOSIT_POOL_ID=//MiniChefV2 pool id 
DEPOSIT_POOL_AMOUNT=//amount of LP tokens to deposit 

And then run:

$ npm run deposit-pool

The hash of deposit transaction will be show in the output:

[deposit-pool] start
[deposit-pool] minichef spend LP token approved
[deposit-pool] deposit 1000000000 of 0x82BD62C451a76cd7dD1Dd609b9db8826E69c73FF tokens to pool 0 tx:  0x0fe47174932d40d4853967c2a83c53353c653d6307f69198728e4b38ed1f13db
[deposit-pool] done

Withdraw LP Token and Rewards from MiniChefV2 Pool

This script executes withdrawAndHarvest() function in MiniChefV2 smart contract, which withdraw LP tokens from MiniChefV2 pool and the reward tokens from Rewarder. You can access the source code of MiniChefV2

To withdraw Liquidity Tokens from pool and recieve Reward Tokens you need to set these variables to .env:

MINICHEF_ADDRESS=//address of the MiniChefV2 at choose network
WITHDRAW_POOL_ID=//MiniChefV2 pool id 
WITHDRAW_POOL_AMOUNT=//amount of LP tokens to withdraw 

And then run:

$ npm run withdraw-pool

The hash of withdraw transaction will be show in the output:

[withdraw-pool] start
[withdraw-pool] withdraw 1000000000 of 0x82BD62C451a76cd7dD1Dd609b9db8826E69c73FF tokens from pool 0 tx:  0x18c3a3e8e752f9d8ab24d9758c637b676eeb78acbeec68179caa64fe5a1c7306
[withdraw-pool] done

Update MiniChefV2 Pool

This script update MiniChefV2 smart contract pool. When update happens the amount of reward is updated. You can access the source code of MiniChefV2

To update Pool you need to set these variables to .env:

MINICHEF_ADDRESS=//address of the MiniChefV2 at choose network
UPDATE_POOL_ID=//MiniChefV2 pool id 

And then run:

$ npm run update-pool

The hash of update transaction will be show in the output:

[update-pool] start
[update-pool] Pool 0 update tx:  0xdd5d82908e08051c2eebb73d8af289191699e2c364e6520aa6e06a45f8809bbb
[update-pool] done

Get MiniChefV2 Pool and User Info

This script get MiniChefV2 smart contract pool and user info. You can access the source code of MiniChefV2

To execute this script you need to set these variables to .env:

MINICHEF_ADDRESS=//address of the MiniChefV2 at choose network
INFO_POOL_ID=//MiniChefV2 pool id 

And then run:

$ npm run info-pool

The info will be show in the output:

[info-pool] Pool 0 info:  {
  accSushiPerShare: '71000000',
  lastRewardBlock: '1653865278',
  allocPoint: '1000'
[info-pool] User Pool 0 info:  { amount: '1000000000', rewardDebt: '0' }


Deploy and mint ERC20

If you need to create fresh ERC20 tokens for test run this script that create a new ERC20 token called SCT. See the source code here and verified contract here

You can set the AMOUNT_TO_MINT to deployer wallet at .env file:


And create ERC20 token:

$ npm run deploy-erc20

The address of ERC 20 token will be show in the output:

[deploy-erc20] start
[deploy-erc20] SCT ERC20 management contract deployed
[deploy-erc20] SCT ERC20 token contract deployed address:  0x82BD62C451a76cd7dD1Dd609b9db8826E69c73FF
[deploy-erc20] 1000000000000000000 SCT ERC20 tokens minted tx: 0x4c89bd89f1caed7d925fc8565bee85fdfadef4ada289fb629f85ccc4022209e3
[deploy-erc20] done

More Info