
This is an example in solidity language of full implementation of ERC-721 standard Ethereum Token (NFT)

Primary LanguageSolidityThe UnlicenseUnlicense

ERC-721 Token

This is an example in solidity language of an ERC-721 standard Non Fungible Ethereum Token.


ERC-721 is a standard interface for non-fungible tokens.

More Information about Solidity Language and ERC-721 Standard:

ERC-721 Methods

This implementation is based on Open Zeppellin full ERC-721 library.

To see all methods access:

Requeriments to run this repositorie


Clone or donwload this repositorie.

Go to path and run on terminal:

npm install

After running, all dependecies will be downloaded.

Compile contracts

truffle compile

After running, contract information — including ABI — will be available at the build/contracts/ directory.

Run tests on Truffle (Under Development)

This contract can be fully tested with truffle.

You can run tests which can be found in the test directory /test runing on terminal:

truffle test

Or run tests within a specific file:

truffle test <file_path>

Run migration and deploy contracts

Create .env file on root with:

MNENOMIC = // Your metamask's recovery words
INFURA_API_KEY = // Your Infura API Key after its registration
TOKEN_NAME = 'NFT Example'

Run migrate command

truffle migrate --network <network_name>

Contract address and transaction ID will be shown on screen.