
IT Students programming a digital version of the RoboRally game.

Primary LanguageJava

Robo Rally

###Welcome to RoboRally!

####GameGoal: To win the game, players have to make their robot move across a map and reach a number of checkpoints. The player who's robot reaches all the checkpoints first wins the game.

####How to run the game

    git clone https://github.com/feggak/robo-rally.git        
    mvn install        
    java -cp target/robo-rally-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar edu.chl.roborally.Main

####How to play the game

#####Setup a new game

  1. Press Start.

  2. Select how many robots that will be racing.

  3. Select a map.

  4. After a map has been selected a summary will be shown where the players gets to decide which robot they will play.

####GamePlay After setup the GamePanel, which includes the board and a console and some controls, will be shown. Every robot has their own GamePanel which is held inside a tabPane. The tab in the upper left corner indicates which robot's GamePanel that is shown.

New Round

Its now time to initiate a round. Each player will be given 9 cards from which they will pick 5 to program their robot. To pick a card, simply drag it from the list into a register slot. Each card programed into the robots register will make it perform an action. An action could be to move forward, to rotate, back up or to make a u-turn. Once 5 cards is picked, click the done button in the bottom right and then switch tab until all robots have been programmed.

A round consist of 5 turns. At the beginning of each turn, 1 card will be put to play. After the cards action, the robot will be affected by the boards elements. For example, if a robot ends up standing on a conveyor tile, it will now be moved. To set a checkpoint, the robot must stand on a checkpoint tile after the card-action. To initiate a new turn, simply click the "Next Turn"-button next to the "Done"-button.

Repeat this procedure until you have a winner!

####Let the race begin!!

Here you can find the complete Rulebook for RoboRally