
A meta repository pointing to the other repositories where the implementation of the supplementary examples for our tutorial "Hands-on Bayesian Neural Networks - A Tutorial for Deep Learning Users"

"Hands-on Bayesian Neural Networks - A Tutorial for Deep Learning Users": Online ressources

This meta repository contain the supplementary material, as well as all the practical examples source repositories, for our paper "Hands-on Bayesian Neural Networks - A Tutorial for Deep Learning Users"

The file "supplementary_material.pdf" contain the supplementary material. The folder toy-examples contain the practical examples as git submodules.


If you use our code in your project please cite our tutorial:

author={Jospin, Laurent Valentin and Laga, Hamid and Boussaid, Farid and Buntine, Wray and Bennamoun, Mohammed},
journal={IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine}, 
title={Hands-On Bayesian Neural Networks—A Tutorial for Deep Learning Users}, 