Arise Backend Technical Test

For the Backend Developer position at Arise, we are looking for a talented and fast-learning individual to join our team. This technical test is designed to assess your technical skills and ability to work with :

  • Node.js and JavaScript/TypeScript
  • GraphQL endpoints
  • Docker
  • Third-party APIs

You may use all the time you need to complete this test, but we ask you to plan your implementation and write what you feel best demonstrate your skills within 60 to 90 minutes. Complete as much as you can during that time. We will review your code during an interview where we will discuss about your design choices and the strategies you would have planned to implement the complete solution.

We do not expect you to fully complete that challenge within that time window.

If you need any clarifications on the test, please contact Loïc Payol at

Third-party integration :

Let's consider the hypothetical hotel search engine GMAH allows end users to search hotels by location, price, and other criteria. GMAH has now a deal with Arise to build a backend service that would allow them to search for hotels in real-time. To do so, GMAH pull data from their partners systems through a standardized API they required to implement. You are assigned to that integration project and will work on the implementation of that Adapter.

Availability fetching

Whenever a request is made on GMAH's website by a client, GMAH will fetch the availability of the rooms we have for the hotels matching the client's query.

Availability fetching flow


GMAH allows clients to book rooms for their stay directly on the same website. This allows an higher conversion rate and enhances the overall user experience.

Booking flow

The Arise GraphQL Endpoint

In order to interact with the Arise network, we created a GraphQL endpoint that queries and mutates the network states in a convenient interface. For this test, we created a light version of that schema, with an in-memory database. Mutations won't be effectful but will behave as if they have successfully saved the data.

The GraphQL endpoint you're going to use is packaged into the Docker Compose deployment shipped in this repository. The server is exposed on the port 4000. You can use the built-in Altair IDE to quickly interact with it.

The GraphQL schema is self documented, but here is a visual representation of the operations the endpoint exposes.

Arise GraphQL queries

Arise GraphQL mutations

Generated using GraphQL Voyager.


You are asked to implement the GMAH Adapter, using the boilerplate code provided in this repository. Follow the OpenAPI specifications in the openapi.yaml file. You can use the included /docs route to get a generated documentation of the OpenAPI spec you need to implement.

For development purposes, a Docker Compose local deployment is provided. It launches the mock Arise GraphQL endpoint you'll interact with. To launch it, run:

docker-compose up -d
GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4000/graphql yarn start:dev

For some reason, the yarn start:dev command doesn't work inside Docker Compose, so please use the previous workflow until we find a better solution.

We do not require a full production ready implementation. Write code that you want to discuss over in a follow-up interview. Prepare what you think you'll need to achieve in order to make that project successful. Questions are welcomed during that review.

Submitting your code

Once you're done, publish your code on any open Git platform (GitHub, Gitlab, ...) and send us the link to your repository.

Good luck!