
Scan files to upload for missing releases on UNIT3D based trackers

Primary LanguagePython


  • Scan directories for movies (.mkv only)
  • Parse filenames then search on TMDB
  • Use TMDB id + resolution (if found) to search trackers for unique movies
  • Ability to ignore groups, qualities, and other keywords.
  • Scan the file with mediainfo to ensure either English audio or English subtitles.
  • Export possible uploads to gg-bot commands and .txt or .csv files

Sites Supported

  • Aither
  • Blutopia
  • FearNoPeer
  • LST
  • OnlyEncodes
  • ReelFliX
  • Upload.cx

Any UNIT3D trackers can be supported by adding the necessary info.

Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/frenchcutgreenbean/UNIT3D-Upload-Checker.git
cd UNIT3D-Upload-Checker
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x check.py

Add Required Settings


./check.py setting-add --target dir --set /home/movies/

-t and -s accepted

Add tracker key or keys: (aith, blu, fnp, rfx)

./check.py setting-add -t blu -s <api_key>

Enable sites:

./check.py setting-add -t sites -s blu

Your TMDB api key.

./check.py setting-add -t tmdb -s <api_key>

run all

./check.py run-all -v

Example Outputs


csv output





Accepted commands

Command Description Flags
run-all Runs all scanning, searching, and exporting functions. -v -m
setting Prints a given setting's value.
setting-add Adds or edits a setting.
setting-rm Only works on lists, returns prompt to remove specific value.

-v and -m only affect certain functions; see below.


./check.py setting -t dir
./check.py setting-add -t dir -s /home/user/movies
/home/user/movies/  Successfully added to  directories
./check.py setting-rm -t dir
Which option would you like to remove? ['/home/user/media/', '/home/user/movies/']
Type in the number of the option you want to remove:
0 being the first option, 1 being the second option, etc.
Removed: /home/user/media/

Manually run the commands in run-all

Command Description Flags
scan Scans directories in main.py -v
tmdb Searches TMDB for found movies -v
search Searches trackers by TMDB id -v
save Creates search_data.json -m
gg Creates gg auto_upload commands txt file
txt Creates txt file with useful information
csv Creates CSV file with useful information

-m or --mediainfo This will disable scanning with mediainfo. Not recommended.

-v or --verbose Prints more stuffs.


Q: What puts a movie in "safe"?

  • A: If the file does not exist on the tracker, or the resolution is new.

Q: What puts a movie in "risky"?

  • A: The movie exists on the tracker, but the quality is new. e.g. web-dl, remux, etc.

Q: What puts a movie in "danger"?

  • A: There are multiple reasons why the movie gets put in "danger".

  • 1: The year from the filename is different to the one matched on TMDB.

  • 2: Mediainfo couldn't find English language subtitles or audio.

  • 3: The movie exists on the tracker, but quality couldn't be extracted from filename.

Q: Why is tracker x not supported?

  • A: I only added trackers I am on. Pull requests are welcomed!

Q: How can I add support for different UNIT3D trackers?

  • A: First you need to edit tracker_info.json. Then, append the relevant details in settings.py. self.tracker_nicknames & self.default_settings["keys"]