
Simple Reddit client that shows the top 50 entries from www.reddit.com/top

Primary LanguageSwift

RedditTop (Demo Project)

Simple Reddit client that shows the top 50 entries from www.reddit.com/top


Requirements: Create a simple Reddit client that shows the top 50 entries fromwww.reddit.com/top .

  • Assume the latest platform and use Swift
  • Use UITableView / UICollectionView to arrange the data.
  • Please refrain from using AFNetworking, instead use NSURLSession
  • Support Landscape
  • Use Storyboards

The app should be able to show data from each entry such as:

  • Title (at its full length, so take this into account when sizing your cells)
  • Author
  • entry date, following a format like “x hours ago”
  • A thumbnail for those who have a picture
  • Number of comments

In addition, for those having a picture (besides the thumbnail) , please allow the user to tap on the thumbnail to be sent to the full sized picture. You don’t have to implement the IMGUR API, so just opening the URL would be OK.

Also include:

  • Pagination support
  • Saving pictures in the picture gallery
  • App state preservation/restoration
  • Support iPhone 6/ 6+ screen size

Note: Please refrain from using external libraries

How it's done:

The project is splitted on four separate layers: Storage Layer, Service Layer, Business Logic Layer and UI Layer.

  1. Storage Layer - responses for retrieving/storing the application state and caching an image data. It includes an image cache and base data model structures representing Reddit API models. Image cache is very simple it works like LRU policy, inherits from Cache and uses LinkedList for storing/retrieving images for particular urls. It allows using different types of caching later without changing the rest of the project. For example it could be improved to use a disk storage, to track an age of items, etc.
  2. Service Layer - responses for communication and serialization. The communication part of this layer based on URLSession, URLSessionDownloadTask and URLSessionDataTask classes, the serialization part based on JSONDecoder class.
  3. Business Logic Layer - responses for a business logic, coordination between the other layers and represents a ViewModel part of MVVM design pattern. It uses Bond class for binding the model data with UI components and Paginator class for retrieving paginated data from the back-end. For now Bond class includes a very basic staff and could be extended later for supporting more UIKit classes and Foundation collections. This part of the project should be covered by Unit Testing using XCTest class which has not done due to time constrains, although Paginator class is partially covered by unit tests.
  4. UI Layer - includes all basic UI staff. It's based on UITableViewController for displaying Reddit top listing records and UIViewController for presentation of image data.


  • Make Bond support collections and UIKit classes
  • Add custom transition animations for showing full sized images
  • Cover RedditTopViewModel with unit tests.