YayTD is a simple GUI built on top of pytube with guizero and a bit of tkinter where necessary.
It lets you find all streams associated with a YouTube video (audio only, video only or both combined) and download them to your machine for your convenience.
Probably not. But it seemed the perfect toy-project to learn about guizero, additionally, as an occasional user of the pytube cli I wondered how a handy GUI would have looked like.
Head to the releases and download the zip for your OS (Linux, Mac, Windows).
Unzip and run the single-file executable.
Or clone this repo and do:
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
to create a python virtual environment in which to pip install the required modules:
pip install -r requiremnts.txt
now you can either run YayTD with
python yaytd.py
or build a single-file executable for your platform:
pyinstaller yaytd_lin.spec
pyinstaller yaytd_win.spec
pyinstaller yaytd_mac.spec
which should appear shortly after in the dist