A place to put all my random projects and tools for ai/ml/rl stuff
Python module
This project is designed as an installable python module so that you can easily use some of the built in tools.
pip install -U git+git://github.com/frenchie4111/dumbrain.git
from dumbrain.lib.download import downloadAndUnzip
downloadAndUnzip( 'http://aiml.mikelyons.org/datasets/sonic/Sonic%20Roms.zip', 'data/roms/' )
- dumbrain/ml Machine Learning (Mostly Deep Learning) related things
- Fast.ai Some of the fast.ai lecture notes
- Kaggle Kaggle entry related stuff
- Omniglot Implementation of prototype networks to solve the Omniglot few-shot learning problem
- tensorflow A few super basic tensorflow tutorial solutions
- dumbrain/rl Reinforcement Learning related things
- cartpole Solutions for the cartpole problem from the OpenAI Requests from Research
- David Silver's RL Lectures Implementation of the easy21 excersize and a few other things discussed during the lectures
- OpenAI Sonic Retro Contest Entry A couple different projects I worked on as solutions the RL transfer learning competition put on by OpenAI in May-June 2018
- Genetic Tictactoe Gameplaying Algorithm/Genetic Lib Implementation of a simple deep genetic algorithm for playing tic-tac-toe, as well as a generic game library for testing game playing algorithms on arbitrary rulesets