mimetypes.lua Version 1.0.0 This is just a quick Lua library designed to provide a nice, non-server-bound database of MIME types. Usage is simple: local mimetypes = require 'mimetypes' mimetypes.guess "docs.txt" -- text/plain mimetypes.guess "word.doc" -- application/msword mimetypes.guess "init.lua" -- text/x-lua Should you need your own MIME types, you can do this: local mimedb = mimetypes.copy() mimedb.extensions["ext"] = "application/x-cool-type" mimetypes.guess("myfile.ext", mimedb) -- application/x-cool-type If you want to make sure it works, run `lua test.lua` (or use Shake). ## API `mimetypes.copy([db])` - Copies the default MIME types database and returns the copy. If you provide `db`, it is copied instead of the default. `mimetypes.guess(filename[, db])` - Guesses the MIME type of the file named `filename`. If a MIME type could not be ascertained, nil is returned. If you provide `db`, it is used to look up the MIME type instead of the default database. ## Databases Each database is a table that contains two fields - `extensions` and `filenames`. `filenames` is checked first, as it maps literal filenames (like `README`) to MIME types. If that doesn't work, the file's extension is taken and looked up in `extensions`. (For example, `report.pdf` would look up `pdf` and return the MIME type there, which is `application/pdf`.) The default database is immutable (and hidden), because it's shared between everyone who calls `guess` without arguments, and messing with it would be a bad thing. ## Bugs If you encounter any missing, inaccurate, or questionably assigned MIME types, file a bug (preferably including a diff) on the issue tracker at <http://www.bitbucket.org/leafstorm/lua-mimetypes/>, or e-mail me at <leafstormrush@gmail.com>.